Monday, April 28, 2008

Much overdue... *Updated!

It's been so long since I last posted that I even had to log into Blogger... that never seems to happen! Anyway, this won't be one of those monstrously long posts where I empty out my bookmark links as I've got lots on my "to do" list this morning but there were a few things I wanted to post ASAP.

First, Mr. Plumberboy will now be referred to as Bampa. That's what the grand-younguns call him and I see no reason why that name poses a security threat. Good luck googling "Bampa" and finding us. (That's just an observation, not an invitation.) Anyway, Bampa is recuperating at home after surgery for his retinal detachment. He's having a good bit of pain and is a little discouraged by the slow progress but it appears to us that he is experiencing the normal postoperative course. Regrettably, doctors at this particular practice have a habit of giving patients unrealistic expectations and demoralization quickly ensues. However, through our own series of unfortunate events, we feel we're in a unique position to try and counter that! He goes to the doctor again this morning so I'll try to give you an update later today.

Second (and this will have to be a bit choppy because I'm up against the preschool clock!) but I wanted to post a few links to update my faithful readers on the Burgess Family (of Rick And Bubba fame). In case you weren't listening to the show this morning, Rick discussed his son Brody (aka Taz) being baptized in their family pool* over the weekend (the article says the baptism will happen in May but in actuality it happened over this weekend.) How marvelous! How wonderful! What a testament to their unshakable faith in Jesus, who has overcome this world! I stand in awe of God's Grace and Mercy on this family and their willingness to let God use them... whatever their lot! I wish I had more time but for now all I can do it lay out the links for you to visit. I pray you will take the time... you'll be blessed!

*UPDATE: Turns out that first link about Rick & Bubba is actually the 4th video installment in a 4-part interview with Rick Burgess. You can watch all four installments at that linked website.

Another update from WHNT-TV out of Huntsville

An older article about Bronner and the Burgess' family's legacy


Stacy said...

I had no idea about the baptism! Whoa. Brought a HUGE gulp and tears.

I've JUST started to read the book "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. It's because of rave reviews that I'm attempting it (you know, I'm almost as bad as you about books) and because of this in the intro that I'm going for it:

"No matter how tough life gets, if you can see the shore and draw your strength from Christ, you'll make it."

I hope to blog about it soon.

Steph said...

I hear that book is awesome. I might consider finding the time to read it once you're done with it... :)

Tom said...

Hi Steph,

I'm sure there's some clever word for trying to leave messages on blogs but never quite making contact. Blog tag? I hit reply to the message you left a few weeks ago, but it occurred to me recently that you might just be paranoid enough not to check for fear of indiscriminate spammers? Anyway, tag, you're it!

(and say hi to plumberboy for me!)

Jenny said...

I listened to that Rick and Bubba show. I was in disbelief. I don't know what I would do in their situation and I never want to find out. Bless their hearts. They are very strong people.