Then we were off to visit our friends on their newly purchased farm. Yes, a farm. Horses and all. No livestock but two horses and a pony. And a dog. And 14 acres. That's a farm in my book. It was a beautiful weekend weatherwise and the kids even got to ride a horse. No, I do not have pictures as our camera currently resides with my in-laws in Calera. I told Plumberboy we needed to buy a disposable camera for our trip but he did not want to
Okay, now to the latest crazy chaos in our family. Lest you think I make these things up in some sort of lame manifestation of Munchausen syndrome (oh but I wish!)... I assure you these things really happen to us and/or our loved ones. (Run! Run for your lives!) It seems as though my father-in-law (I guess--according to 1st grade logic-- that would make him Mr. Plumberboy ) may have a detached retina. We know that, at the very least, something significant is going on with his retinas and that he most likely has a severe tear or an all-out detachment. We are hoping it's something the docs can *relatively* easily repair with a laser versus door #2, which holds a fluid-gas exchange vitrectomy . (Feel free to throw up...I almost did after Plumberboy's first vitrectomy. However, it was old hat after the 2nd! I could basically perform one for my father-in-law at this point.) Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting to hear their report from the specialist. My heart goes out to them (and my sons as this is obviously a hereditary condition.) I'll try to post more about this later...
Okay, lastly are some very random links that I would once again love to expound upon but I just don't have the time. I do want to get them out of my bookmarks folder though.
1. An explanation as to why Keith Richards looks so old and nasty.
2. Most of you probably read about that utterly lost Yale student (working very hard to not use degrading terminology) already but here's an update in case you haven't heard the whole story. This guy called her out before Yale even released their statement. Mommas, don't let your kids grow up to be Yalies. Whatta way to blow $120 grand (yearly tuition x 4 years... God forbid 5!) Why are so many "smart" people actually really, really dumb?!?!?
3. Who says this sort of thing only happens in the SEC? I certainly wouldn't know anything about inscribing "Roll Tide" on a rival's wet cement or the sorts.
4. This photoshopped picture originally accompanied this article. Looks like The AP was duped. I'm just glad to see that no one would actually employ a model that looks like that. However, I do wish I could be a fly on the wall in 100 years when our grandkids psychoanalyze our generation for thinking anything like this was beautiful and/or fashionable.
5. Nice to read things like this. My hometown just started a red-light-traffic-camera, errr, system and we can already personally attest to "discrepancies." My husband's company (which is located about an hour away) got a warning ticket in the mail for a truck they don't even own! The attached picture showed the city personnel didn't bother double-checking the license plate number. Can you imagine the ridiculously wasteful amount of time they would have to spend if that had been a real ticket? I'm all about law and order (if you know me, you know that!) but this is completely ridiculous.
6. Tell me something I didn't know.
7. I would like to watch this tonight if at all possible. So sue me... I {heart} The Beatles.
Have a great day and check back here later today for updates on my father-in-law.
GREAT links!
Didn't know about the Wonder Pets! I would have divo'd it. Will check for future showings (i'm sure there will be a zillion.)
Can't believe about Mr. Plumberboy...wow. Let us know how tomorrow goes.
Okay, so sorry about my comment on the most recent blog. Got confused by the whole Plumberboy thing... but we're still praying and will be praying for your inlaws too.
So for some reason the Keith Richard's thing made me laugh so hard I couldn't talk. Thanks!
I'm really shocked that Nichole didn't lose her swimsuit bottom while running. I'm joking but seriously it is so sad all of the beautiful girls who just can't see...
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