Thursday, May 8, 2008

Card-carrying member of the AFPTABT

I think I'll take it upon myself to rename the PTA ... I'll call it the AFPTABT. Catchy, don't ya think? Okay, so it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but I think it more accurately reflects the organization. You see, PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association but in reality it's more like A Few Parents & Teachers All By Themselves. Our little town has a very well respected and nationally recognized school system with an alleged outpouring of parental support. Well, that hasn't been quite my experience over the past couple of years, especially this year. Anyway, I could use this blog as my personal soap box but I know you don't want to read it and I don't really feel like censoring how I really feel about the situation for fear that the wrong person would read this. So I'll just leave it at this... if your kid is in public school, PLEASE do your part and help out the room parent AND the PTA (I'm sure this applies to private school also but me thinks they are a little more, shall we say, "stern" about lack of parental support.) It may seem like someone else always takes care of things but I assure you, there's usually one or two poor schlubs (three or four at the most) who feel too guilty to leave it all to the teacher so they carry the entire class load on their backs. And that's if the teacher is lucky. On a personal note, I keep hearing that I should learn to say "no" more often but I assure you, no one else will step up if I decide to utter that simple little word. Anyway, that's my PSA for today. Help out your room parent and volunteer with the AFPTABT. And don't forget that Mother's Day is this Sunday. :)