Monday, December 29, 2008
I hate to be a downer...
... but two of my blogging buddies (so to speak) are in major need of prayer. Honestly, I'm humbled and humiliated and flabbergasted to think of all the trivial things I worry about on a daily basis when currently (as in right this very minute) there are actual significant things happening all over the world (not the least of which is this.) First up is a woman I have never met named Hope. She has terminal cancer and is currently in the no-man's-land most cancer patients face at the end. She has two young boys (about my sons' ages) and an adoring husband. It is so tragic to read about what is going on with them and my heart aches for them. I desperately pray they find the peace of Jesus Christ and John 3:16 at this time. Also in urgent need of prayer for peace and endurance during a very hard time is MckMama and her young son Stellan. Hopefully you remember them from previous posts but the shortest version of a very long story is that Stellan suffered in utero with a heart condition that was in some ways similar to Crabman's. He was born in perfect health with no medically possible explanation. Now he has tested positive for RSV (which is quite severe in all young infants, especially those with a history of heart conditions) and is not doing good at all (she most often updates from the hospital on twitter.) I absolutely HATE to hear about such a situation and I'm not sure anyone will ever fully understand how much it pains --yet humbles-- me to see a baby with a heart condition not have a happy outcome. Yes, God's ways are so much higher than our ways... I cannot even begin to comprehend. I just try my best to be grateful for what I have and understand that none of what I experience on a daily basis is about me... it's all about Him! May He be glorified in both of these situations (ahhhh, but He will!) and may the Lord Jesus come quickly! Lastly, may He give us a peace that surpasses understanding until then...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
God has really had the word "hope" on my mind and in my heart a lot lately. And I mean a lot. It all started with this dear woman, whom I implore you to pray for through our Lord Jesus Christ as Hope and her family are certainly deserving of our prayers and thoughts this Christmas season. And man I wish she knew just how much she is on my mind. All. the. time.
Then I read this today. I forwarded it to both Hope's husband and a friend of hers. Hopefully (there it is again!), it will be a blessing to someone along the way. It certainly was to me. And then, just now, my husband forwarded me this. I pray someday in my life I can do something as powerful and fulfilling as that. Wow.
Then I read this today. I forwarded it to both Hope's husband and a friend of hers. Hopefully (there it is again!), it will be a blessing to someone along the way. It certainly was to me. And then, just now, my husband forwarded me this. I pray someday in my life I can do something as powerful and fulfilling as that. Wow.
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:3-5
A Christmas Post (including obligatory kids w/Santa pics!)

Can you tell which of my sons is easy-going and which one is, um, not so much? My mother-in-law took our boys to see the Walmart Santa (obviously) while we were in Atlanta for the SECC game. These complimentary (using that term loosely) pics are definitely keepers!
Speaking of Santa, here's a verbatim (well, minus the embedded links) copy of Ricky Bobby's wish list to Santa:
1. Viking helmet (bet you were thinking this!)
2. Old-school football helmet
3. Arkansas mascot
4. Rolling-Gantry crane
5. RC toy from Toy Story 2
6. Blu-Ray
7. Blu-Ray DVDs (well, he didn't specify but I imagine something along those lines)
8. Walkie Talkies
9. Pirate playset
10. #1 Alabama vs. Ole Miss DVD (even I don't know when this matchup occurred... Anyone? Anyone?)
11. 1934 Alabama vs. 1934 UT DVD (hey, at least we won!)
As a sidenote, Ricky Bobby does in fact know what a Blu-Ray is, which is bizarro unto itself because we don't own one nor have we even talked about acquiring one (you know that much is true because we would have "discussed" it here first!)
And while I'm embarassing Ricky Bobby, here's an excerpt from his Sunday School sheet a couple of days ago: "I'm thankful for my pets JJ, Cotton, Sassy, and Horhay (The Fish), fiber, spaghetti, Crabman* (My brother), and me!" That kid... he has a real knack for making people laugh, even when he's not trying to be funny. I think he gets that from me. Hmph.
*No, he did not call him Crabman. He used his real name but you know the drill!
And not to be outdone, Crabman had his own funny moment last week while we were Christmas shopping. You see, we've tried to make a habit out of letting our kids drop some money in the Salvation Army bucket each time we see one and it's usually the highlight of Crabman's outing. Well, Plumberboy never has coin change so he just gives Crabman a dollar bill. The other day I had lots of errands to run so I decided to give Crabman a couple of quarters since we'd probably see lots of bellringers that morning but he chastised me quite loudly, saying "No, mama. It costs a dollar!" So now I suppose Walmart has a $1 cover charge until after the Holidays.
Sorry, folks. I wish I had something more entertaining and/or enlightening for you but I'm really pressed for time! I do wish each and everyone of you a Christmas filled with the peace that only comes from faith in Jesus Christ. That's what Christmas is all about and it's God's free gift to everyone.
Merry Christmas from me and my family!

2008: 'Tis the season, indeed!
Matthew 26:53
Have y'all heard about this story? Amazing, though it really shouldn't be. I know firsthand that miracles abound in hospitals but "ye of little faith" are we, all of us, in this present day and age. May the miracle of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection be real to you this Christmas season is.
PS: Be more informed than that silly Rabbi on The Today Show this morning. The Bible tells us all about angels.
PS: Be more informed than that silly Rabbi on The Today Show this morning. The Bible tells us all about angels.
Jesus said "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."
Matthew 18:10
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ground Control to Major Tom (and all other interested parties!)
Editor's Note: This isn't open to just Tom, our resident techie. I would actually love input from all of my dear readers.
We're interested in getting a new camcorder . Well, actually I'm interested in getting a new camcorder... Plumberboy is content to use any Christmas money we may or may not get to pay off Holiday expenses. (He can't understand why I'm embarassed by our Zack Morris-esque camcorder that I could easily perch atop my shoulder. Okay, okay... it's not quite that bad but it's outdated enough that I don't think it's a wise use of money to buy a new battery pack now that our current one is DOA.)
So the question is: What do you recommend and why or why not??? Thanks in advance for your cooperation regarding this matter...
We're interested in getting a new camcorder . Well, actually I'm interested in getting a new camcorder... Plumberboy is content to use any Christmas money we may or may not get to pay off Holiday expenses. (He can't understand why I'm embarassed by our Zack Morris-esque camcorder that I could easily perch atop my shoulder. Okay, okay... it's not quite that bad but it's outdated enough that I don't think it's a wise use of money to buy a new battery pack now that our current one is DOA.)
So the question is: What do you recommend and why or why not??? Thanks in advance for your cooperation regarding this matter...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
So much for life without parole...
How much you wanna bet the prosecutors in this case will rethink seeking the death penalty? It's times like this that I have a strong (yet fleeting) desire to spend the remainder of my life toiling away as a DA. Alas, I just have to take comfort in knowing Caylee is going to have her bestest Christmas yet while her monster of a mother rots in jail. Good riddance, Casey...
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7-8
Monday, December 8, 2008
Well, who wants to be Muhammad Ali anyway???

They called it Ali v. Frazier and that's how it felt. There were punches. There were counterpunches. There were the equivalents of sucker punches by UF's Brandon Spikes. In the end, Bama was knocked out of the title ring by Florida Tim Tebow. Saturday night was the closest we've ever had to a playoff and Bama didn't make the cut so I won't complain in the least about being 12-1 but left out of the title game. The stronger team won and that's good for the game. I just can't wait until we're the stronger team... but I suspect I won't have to wait long. If Saban recruits this offseason like he did during the last offseason, we'll all have to explore the word "juggernaut" and how it applies relative to Bama's current situation. A'ight?
That said, man, it always feels colder after a loss in December. And it was raw in Atlanta on Saturday night. Despite being numbingly cold after the game, that loss stung... for the fans, the coaches, and most definitely the players. Nobody wanted the magic to end (at least not in the Bama camp, though I suspect the Jen(n)s are happy!) We all wanted the senior players to go out on top, where they deserved to be. We all wanted to give Saban a triumphant return to Miami. I personally wanted one last title season so I can semi-retire. I'm tired exhausted. I'm broke. My kids are older and I want to spend more time with them on the weekends as what used to be a weekend respite is now the hassle of all hassles. But there's no doubt about it, a win on Saturday night would have made it all worth it.
Still, I'm proud. Very proud. We won't be back. We are back. Our future is bright. We're back in the BCS Sugar Bowl (cha-ching)... but this time it's not so sweet. Thanks for EVERYTHING, players and coaches. See you in '09!
PS: With Christmas right around the corner, I won't be updating here as much as I would like. I know you are all are just lost without your daily Steph fix :) so I've started a twitter account. I believe you can "follow" me by going to
Friday, December 5, 2008
They went to the game and all I got was this lousy sign...
So there's a decent chance I'll be on TV at some point during the SEC Championship tomorrow. Plumberboy and I are sitting down low in the Alabama endzone, most likely somewhere near the UA band. I'll probably be wearing a crimson and white striped shirt and holding a sign that reads "Thanks Freddy & Doris... Matthew 7:11" Freddy and Doris are the sweet people that sold us their tickets (for face value!) and here's the Bible verse I'm referring to because I KNOW who really put those tickets in my hand. Roll Tide guys! :)
Jesus said, "If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Not that it will sway the public opinion...
Hey Nick, don't feel too bad. This wasn't your fault... or was it?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Really, people should listen to me more often...
Hopefully all the Aubo readers took my advice and studied up on Mike Leach. They will be hearing that name a good bit over the next few days. Just for anybody who's keeping up, that does in fact make #4. Coincidence? I think not.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tell me something I didn't know...
This just confirms what I already knew: 2007's seniors were a joke. Now, if I could just find out if DJ Hall really did knock up JPW's girlfriend.... Hop to it, Ian!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Moonshine, they're talking about moonshine (Don't feel bad, Lane, it took me a while to catch on too!)
I just think this is funny (which I'm pretty sure is okay because it's still UT, even without Phat Phil.)
To the victor goes the spoils...
I'd like to dedicate this to Stacy and Holly:
I believe in 36-0... and love it!
I believe in 36-0... and love it!
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