Monday, December 29, 2008

I hate to be a downer...

... but two of my blogging buddies (so to speak) are in major need of prayer. Honestly, I'm humbled and humiliated and flabbergasted to think of all the trivial things I worry about on a daily basis when currently (as in right this very minute) there are actual significant things happening all over the world (not the least of which is this.) First up is a woman I have never met named Hope. She has terminal cancer and is currently in the no-man's-land most cancer patients face at the end. She has two young boys (about my sons' ages) and an adoring husband. It is so tragic to read about what is going on with them and my heart aches for them. I desperately pray they find the peace of Jesus Christ and John 3:16 at this time. Also in urgent need of prayer for peace and endurance during a very hard time is MckMama and her young son Stellan. Hopefully you remember them from previous posts but the shortest version of a very long story is that Stellan suffered in utero with a heart condition that was in some ways similar to Crabman's. He was born in perfect health with no medically possible explanation. Now he has tested positive for RSV (which is quite severe in all young infants, especially those with a history of heart conditions) and is not doing good at all (she most often updates from the hospital on twitter.) I absolutely HATE to hear about such a situation and I'm not sure anyone will ever fully understand how much it pains --yet humbles-- me to see a baby with a heart condition not have a happy outcome. Yes, God's ways are so much higher than our ways... I cannot even begin to comprehend. I just try my best to be grateful for what I have and understand that none of what I experience on a daily basis is about me... it's all about Him! May He be glorified in both of these situations (ahhhh, but He will!) and may the Lord Jesus come quickly! Lastly, may He give us a peace that surpasses understanding until then...

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