Friday, February 6, 2009

Chickity-Check Yo Self

Hopefully you've continued to read about the Lane Kiffin saga somewhere (since I haven't been able to stay on top of it for you here at Steph's Other Space) because it is good stuff. If not, here's a spot-on recap by Kevin Scarbinsky that oughta bring you up to speed. There's really nothing more for me to add because I agree 100% with Scarbo. But I will say this...that's some mighty big talk for a kid named Lane with a father named Monte.

Famous Monte(y) Montage:


The Latham Family said...

I already can't decide who I despise more - Fat Phil Fulmer or Lane Kiffen. What a blow-hard this guy is! I already can't wait until the third weekend in October!

Steph said...

What the heck? My Monte(y) Hall pic is gone!

Steph said...

Never fear... he's back!