Monday, March 31, 2008
Still Here...
Friday, March 28, 2008
...Not so much
GG (as we like to call her) is one of my favorite people. She was diagnosed with a 13 cm cancerous mass on her liver eleven months ago. To put it in perspective, it took up more than half of her liver and any mass over 5 cm on the liver is considered inoperable. In other words, you need a liver transplant to fight a mass of that size. We only found out about the liver mass after a hospitalization for some neck pain that was the result of her breaking her neck a few weeks before. She is a tough old broad to say the least. GG always treated me like blood family, maybe even better, and we loved to talk politics, etc. In fact, I was just up there early last week laying on her bed, watching Fox News and talking with her about the upcoming Democratic convention. She was very lucid until just the past few days and sat up to have a beer only two nights ago. Seriously, most of us "young folk" would have been dead in a matter of weeks with a liver mass of that size... we certainly wouldn't have been able to hold our liquor. She's an amazing woman and she really, really loves her family. We'll miss her a ton but we're ready for her to go home to wait for us there. Thanks GG for all the memories and thank you Jesus for opening The Lifegate so that all may go in.

Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Good Friday to you!

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Better late than never?
Here's a goofy picture of the two of us from high school (per our usual). I'm sad that my old pics aren't better organized, making it very hard to put my hands on them at any given time, because I really do have some doozies of us from back in the day. Doesn't she look like a Disney princess in this picture (that's infinitely better than a squished up Barbie head!):
And now my real present to Stacie on this, her birthday:
You see, Stacie's real passion in life is not Auburn football, it's not flicking plastic things at me in a JC Penney warehouse (well, maybe it's a tie)... it's taking really bad pictures of me. In my quest for embarassing Stacie photos to post here today, I realized that there aren't really any embarassing photos of her because she was entirely too busy taking embarassing pictures of me. She stands about 6 inches shorter than me so she loved asking (read: making) me dress up in her clothes, then taking pictures of the resulting high-water pants and cropped-on-me tops. Usually she proceeded to tease my hair out or encourage me to put on some really wacky makeup and THEN SHE WOULD TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH so that said embarassing moment was forever a part of recorded history. And if you don't think that particular photo was all that bad, find Stacie and ask her to show you one from her own personal stash. (Note to self: Take extreme measures to keep Stacie from acquiring computer scanner.)
PS: Feel free to leave your birthday wishes for her in the comments section.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Neither Planned, Nor Parenthood... Discuss amongst yourselves.
UPDATE: Per my sister's comment, here is a direct link to Randy Alcorn's extensive blog post about the recent Planned Parenthood phone calls. Hopefully you'll take the time to listen to the actual call AND read all about Margaret Sanger. I have some notes somewhere in a box in my garage about good ole Margaret Sanger. You can read more about "eugenics" here and see Margaret Sanger honored as an important eugenics leader here. I'll have to present more research to y'all when I have the time (still out of town.)
Happy Birthday Randee!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tornado Tourney
PS: I agree with the announcer--Thank the Good Lord above it wasn't much worse!
Take the time to read...
Fox News Article (obviously not Obama fans... okay, I'll give you that)
Washington Post Article (don't know what their agenda is but I do know all the pseudo-intellectuals read this particular post... the rest of us read the NY Post!)
Rolling Stone Article (are you kidding me?!? You're a hopeless Obamaniac if you think Rolling Stone has any sort of pro-Republican agenda!)
Feel free to your leave your comments. I'll feel free to not hold my breath waiting.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Blogger's Block
Speaking of Deja Vu: We recently watched Deja Vu with Denzel Washington and while it was somewhat entertaining, it was even more unrealistic than those God-like computers on 24. Fascinating Messiah theme throughout the movie though (just like the Pirates movies... did anyone else pick up on that?!?!) Hopefully I can check out my Blockbuster quiche (as we call it here in our house... you probably know it as the queque) to remind me what other movies we've watched recently so I can give my thumbs up or thumbs down accordingly.
Meredith: Haven't talked to the Dallas bunch as of this post but I believe Meredith had a cardiologist appointment today. I will update as info arrives. We expect nothing but good news as she has really done well so far.
Ricky Bobby: Still holding his own in fantasy NASCAR. And still really into US Presidents. I'm wondering how a Presidents-themed birthday party would work...
Crabman: Good thing he's cute because he's getting on my nerves lately. He is so sweet and wonderful and all that (truly all that) but he's teething and NEEDIER than a refugee in quicksand. He gets up throughout the night and doesn't nap much during the day. Sometimes he's downright irrational from all of the above. I think we're over the hump now but this new phase still isn't conducive to blogging. I'm also thinking about his birthday party plans since it's quickly approaching...
Plumberboy: Slammed at work and slammed at home. He started painting our brick last weekend despite protests from his Yankee relatives. Apparently there is a congenital Yankee aversion to painted brick (but no so much in The South--obviously!) Lucky for me Plumberboy has renounced his Yankeeness and actually likes the painted brick. He's also coaching soccer, teaching Sunday school, and trying to spearhead a local plumber's association. Glad to see he puts the H in ADHD to good use.
House: See above. I'd post pictures as we go along but you know good and well I'm way too paranoid to post pictures of my residence on the world wide web. Duh. :) Which brings me to...
Co-ed murder arrests (I'm not a fan of the whole "co-ed" term but nonetheless that's what Greta van Susteren uses so far be it from me to stray...): Glad they caught the guys in both the AU and the UNC case but I'm not sure I'm any more relieved. I think both of those cases illustrate the randomness of many violent crimes, more so than most people want to acknowledge. Thus, I'm checking around to see how much this would cost me. (Probably one husband. And maybe a father. Not that the dog would eat them--they would just disown me out of protest. But I digress..) The Nevada co-ed was killed by a serial rapist turned murderer who walked past an apartment and saw her through an unlocked sliding glass door. For goodness sake, lock your doors. I mean seriously, how hard is it to lock your doors? It takes just a second--the flick of your fingers--and you've in all likelihood done enough to deter a dangerous criminal. God forbid they aren't deterred, you've at least slowed them down and given yourself some sort of heads-up when they make a racket breaking in. And lastly: Ladies, you are always a target. You can try to ignore this and think of more pleasant things but it won't change that harsh reality. Please act accordingly.
Politics: Wow... this is a really good political season and I've enjoyed it more than most. I'm hoping to delve deeper into my political thoughts during the summer because the current time constraints don't allow such talk. All this despite the fact that no one reading this blog cares about my thoughts. Which seriously is fine and all but DANG, I thought I could at least get some good dialogue going! I know it's going on at other blogs but no luck here...guess I'm no Geraldine Ferraro or Samantha Power. Rowr! Would y'all rather discuss the Love Gov?
Me: Still tired. But quite possibly over my blogger's block now. See you again soon?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Meredith Update 3/10/08
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Meredith Update 03/09/08
Friday, March 7, 2008
Meredith Update 3/7/08 Part 2
Thanks for your concern and prayers. Hopefully I'll have even more good news tomorrow.
Meredith Update 3/7/08
Rememba me?
First, Meredith's surgery started about 9:30 AM central time, which means she should be right smack-dab in the middle of her surgery as I type. I'll post an update here when I know something later this afternoon. I'm home all day because Crabman is less than 100% today. I think it's teething and I'm starting to understand the 19th century theory of teething as an official cause of death! (If you don't take Dr. Greene's word for it, you can read a real medical journal report covering the topic here.) Of course Crabman could also be on the verge of a raging flu outbreak so I decided to just stay home for a "lazy day." After a field trip to the planetarium yesterday, I need it too! I didn't sleep very well Wednesday night and you can check out Greta van Susteren for more details. I'm hoping for some "good" news on that front later today (using the term "good" loosely...)
Lastly, I have an update regarding Ricky "Ladies Man" Bobby. His teacher informed me yesterday that him and Grace have been caught holding hands and rubbing noses (eskimo kisses) in the hall over the past week. She laughed and laughed about it and informed me they are her first ever 1st grade "couple." Hip-hip-hooray. This is probably one of the first times Ricky Bobby's behavior cannot be directly attributed to me in some way and in fact I am quite shocked that my offspring is behaving this way. But Plumberboy has assured me that, for once, this is all him.
Well that's it for now but I do hope to have some Meredith info in the next couple of hours. Thanks in advance for your prayers for peace, comfort, and God's healing hand on the surgeons! We all appreciate it...