Friday, March 14, 2008

Take the time to read...

Look, I'll just say need to mince words in my opinion. You're crazy if you plan to vote for Barack Obama (if given the chance) but don't research for yourself about his self-proclaimed spiritual adviser and church minister, Jeremiah Wright Jr. I promise I'm not trying to fan the flames of controversy. I'm just honestly afraid of where our country is headed if we elect someone even remotely connected to this man as President of the United States. And you see, Obama is not just remotely connected to this guy. He wrote a book based on one of this guy's sermons and Obama prayed with him minutes before officially announcing his candidacy for president. It's only March and I'm sure more info will come out before the general election in November (a big reason the so-called "superdelegates" will in all likelihood nix this Obama nomination) but I figure it's never to early to dissiminate such vitally important info, in my humble opinion. Please take the time to read.

Fox News Article (obviously not Obama fans... okay, I'll give you that)

Washington Post Article (don't know what their agenda is but I do know all the pseudo-intellectuals read this particular post... the rest of us read the NY Post!)

Rolling Stone Article (are you kidding me?!? You're a hopeless Obamaniac if you think Rolling Stone has any sort of pro-Republican agenda!)

Feel free to your leave your comments. I'll feel free to not hold my breath waiting.


Stacy said...

Don't worry! I'm voting Ron Paul :)

Steph said...

Well that's a vote for the Dems. Sorry, but that's the reality. I think you'll come around come November.

Steph said...

I mean that in a ":)" way, not a "}(" way!

Stacy said...

Yeah, I know that was a :) comment!

Honestly, I'm absolutely disgusted about November. I really just can't think about it too much.

Politicians disgust me. BO frightens me.

Meggan said...

I agree with you 100%. I don't know how Obama can expect people to believe that he is truly distancing himself from the "Reverend". I personally don't believe you can listen to someone preach the same type message for 20 years and NOT believe it yourself.

This really is a scary election year.

Jenny said...

The "pastor" has made me change my vote back to Republican. Obama's history in my opinion. That guy did a lot of damage to his campaign. Glad we found out now. He reminds me a lot of certain legislators in Mont...

Steph said...

THANKS SO MUCH for commenting guys! I'm optimistic the word is getting out about Barack Obama & Co and I'm happy to do my small part. I feel for EVERYONE this November... there's really NO ONE on the ballot to rally around! If I was a Democrat (which I'm not, but I'm not exactly a Republican either if that makes sense) I'd be so frustrated that they didn't offer better candidates. I THINK Harold Ford from TN and Artur Davis from AL would have been a much better choice. That's just off the top of my head so I'm sure there are many more. The Dems have most likely screwed the pooch with this one and I'm hoping its the end of that particular party as we know it. It's time for a new party to emerge. But to be fair and balanced, the Repubs are doing their best to screw it up too. I wish we didn't have political parties.

THANKS AGAIN for the comments! I'm stoked... can you tell?!?!

Shannon said...

Too much to say on this matter, so I wrote a post on my blog, too.