GG (as we like to call her) is one of my favorite people. She was diagnosed with a 13 cm cancerous mass on her liver eleven months ago. To put it in perspective, it took up more than half of her liver and any mass over 5 cm on the liver is considered inoperable. In other words, you need a liver transplant to fight a mass of that size. We only found out about the liver mass after a hospitalization for some neck pain that was the result of her breaking her neck a few weeks before. She is a tough old broad to say the least. GG always treated me like blood family, maybe even better, and we loved to talk politics, etc. In fact, I was just up there early last week laying on her bed, watching Fox News and talking with her about the upcoming Democratic convention. She was very lucid until just the past few days and sat up to have a beer only two nights ago. Seriously, most of us "young folk" would have been dead in a matter of weeks with a liver mass of that size... we certainly wouldn't have been able to hold our liquor. She's an amazing woman and she really, really loves her family. We'll miss her a ton but we're ready for her to go home to wait for us there. Thanks GG for all the memories and thank you Jesus for opening The Lifegate so that all may go in.

A great post to honor GG. She's certainly a tough cookie!
Keep us posted and know that I'm praying for all of y'all in this emotional situation.
We love yall. It sure is hard watching all of our grandparents suddenly get so Old. It has snuck up on our family as well and it is hard not to miss the way it used to be. But the trade is all of these beautiful new lives we've been given. I look forward to the day when we will All be together again!
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