So far our summer has been quiet, simple even, and that's BOSS (by the way, that's another reason to love Juno... she uses the word "boss" in a most appropriate manner. And "food baby"... who can forget "food baby"? I use it all the time!) Right now my kids are playing with their newly rediscovered Potato Heads and having the best time. We've had those Potato Heads for years but they were buried (read: buried!) in the toy boxes for quite some time. I made a summer resolution to weed out all our unused toys and in the process, the kids have realized they had some really cool non-Nintendo toys just waiting to be played with. That was probably the best part of cleaning out the toy boxes. Well, that and all the good childhood memories stashed away in the old toy boxes from my Granny's house. You see, when I asked about the old toy boxes and whether or not we could have them for our playroom, I assumed (first mistake, I know) that they would be empty upon arrival. Wrong. So very wrong. So in addition to the toys we've accumulated in our 7.5 years of parenthood, I inherited about two additional generations worth of junk. Sorry, but it was truly junk. And to my sister Stacy and my cousin William, you're so very welcome that I spared you that one chore. And hopefully you didn't want bizarre scary pink plastic man riding a motorcycle.
PS: There are many more chores on my summer "to do" list so I'm not sure when we can debate all the important issues of the day, especially since things are moving at such a rapid pace. Since my last boring update, Ashlee Simpson has confirmed her pregnancy (wow... Joe Simpson has done a bang-up job!), Angelina got miffed at Jack Black for spilling the beans on her worst kept secret, and Clay Aiken inseminated some old lady. Oh, and Hillary Clinton is plotting one last coup d'etat before calling it a day. Care to discuss?
Scary pink man? On a motorcycle? Must be William's! LOL == sorry Will, I just don't remember it!
The Clay Aiken new is just freaky and gross. I mean the woman is almost (or is already) 50. He couldn't find a younger Claymate to inseminate. I'd love to talk with some of the people who where in Joe Simpson's youth group back in the day and see if he was super creepy back then too. Love how the whole family keeps giving Christians a good name in Hollywood (one daughter divorced, the other daughter just had a shotgun wedding, and he talks to the media about his daughters boobs). It doesn't matter who Obama's running mate is, he still makes me very nervous. I'd rather Hillary win the election between those two.
"And here's some cheetos, in case you get hungry..." Aren't they supposed to be making a part 3? They need to hurry up!
haha i watched toy story 2 yesterday when i was babysitting and the line about my angry eyes was my favorite! love you!
Stacy: It was a tall hard plastic man with his mouth wide open and only a few teeth. He appeared to be riding a small little motorcycle or bicycle. I really hate we chunked him now...otherwise, I would have sent you a pic. Very strange and kind of scary! No, it was definitely not William's! Way too old for that.
Stacie: I used to tease my mom about Clay being gay. I was serious and apparently rightly so. I actually feel really bad for him... he's like a much less talented Michael Jackson as far as bizarreness goes. I'm with you about Joe Simpson's former youth group students... how interesting would that be? Nick Lachey needs to write a book (or at least do a long TV interview... I'd watch!)
Shannon: I would LOVE to see a Toy Story 3 come to fruition but I honestly haven't heard anything about it. I'll research that TODAY!
Lori: Love you, too! Don't be a stranger... SERIOUSLY!
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