Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Company You Keep...

...Hey Barry, you know what they say about that?

by krs601

Don't forget Oprah. Yes, this Oprah.

Now some of Obama's own words.

And perhaps relegated to just a footnote in history but significant nonetheless: This (with #9 just added tonight) and lastly (but not leastly), this.

Yeah, you can expect more of this--lots more of this--now that Obama's the heir apparent. Way to go DNC, way to go!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I don't know about you, but I feel like I need to be "cleansed" after hearing all that blasphemy. I'm gonna go read my bible so that all that junk doesn't linger.

And here comes Hilary, graciously bowing out, and giving her support to Obama. Think she's hoping for VP?