Friday, July 18, 2008

Emma Update 2.0

Well, Emma is still doing okay but her platelets did drop way down so she will receive another IVIG treatment and stay in the hospital through today. Of course they are all disappointed (it's been my experience that finding out you're not going home is almost as bad as being there in the first place!) but we know it's best for her to stay in the hospital for now. I'll try to keep you posted but if you've ever had a loved one in the hospital, you know it's a ROLLER COASTER RIDE! Thanks for your prayers... and by the way, has anyway donated that pint yet? ;)

PS: Crabman received several rounds of IVIG during his hospital stay and I just learned (courtesy of the link above) that it takes 1,ooo donors for one IVIG treatment! Wow, that means several thousand people helped save Crabman's life. Like, seriously saved his life. PLEASE DONATE... you don't know how much I wish I could! FYI, my birthday is August 11th and you could donate then as a cheap b'day present... I'll even let you keep the free loot they give ya!

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