Monday, July 21, 2008

Second verse, same as the first...

Well, I was looking forward to a series of mindless posts about silly things, like drugstore cosmetic products that were--in my humble opinion--a good buy, or posts with pics from our beach trip and other summertime events. But I just got a call that our dear niece Emma is back at the hospital. She was unexpectedly released from the hospital on Friday afternoon because the alleged hematologist felt like she would be fine. And I know hindsight is 20/20 but none of us had a good feeling about it. At the very least, I feel that the doctors should have held off on her release until she was holding her own platelets. Instead, they let her go when her platelets were on a distinct, rapid downward trend. So now Emma is back at the ER awaiting results and hopefully getting a new batch of doctors to look at her. My mother-in-law said the nosebleed has stopped but I'll be very curious to see what the blood tests show. For now, I'm camped out here at home with my two plus a neighbor's boy but if all this continues, I'll be hopping a plane to New Mexico to mount up and regulate. Let's all pray it doesn't come to that!

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