Hi all... that is a picture of Crabman with his cousin Emma (Plumberboy's sister's daughter). Emma lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is 5 years old (that pic is a year old but it's all I could find on short notice!) Anyway, Emma is currently in the hospital for internal bleeding. She has been diagnosed with a condition called ITP. I just got a call saying her hematocrit count has stabilized so they are not moving her to the pediatric ICU at this time. However, we still request your prayers for Emma and her family. I know how scary this situation must be for them and of course we all feel bad because we can't be with them. My mother-in-law was able to get out there very quickly so she can lend a hand (and a shoulder to cry on) but I know they still covet your prayers!
I'd also like to ask that you go DONATE BLOOD! Obviously this won't help Emma right now but I shudder to think how many kids and adults are out there needing blood transfusions right this very moment as I type. That blood has to come from somewhere so please--pretty please--do your part whenever you can (I'm talking directly to you, Mr. Plumberboy!) So help me, I really would give blood whenever possible if they would take it... BUT they will not take my dirty blood because of lupus, no matter how hard I try. I'm even O-neg, the highly prized blood type! They won't even agree to sympathy stick me so I can sit next to others while they donate.
Anyway, pray for Emma to our Father in Heaven through Jesus Christ His Son and then go find one of those honkin' big travelin' RV blood banks and give a pint for little Emma. Hundreds and thousands of other little Emmas and their eternally grateful parents will thank you!
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