Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Online Petition

Okay all you out there in cyberspace... I need your help. I know there are a few of you out there that browse this blog but never ever post a comment. Seriously, that's fine. I get it. I read a few blogs myself that I never actually comment on and I understand that it's even trickier if you somewhat personally know the blogger. Maybe you read all about their lives (mundane or not) but don't necessarily want them to know about it. I get that too. Afterall, myspace was invented for exactly that sort of lurking (and then there's facebook, who will alert the media when you go to the bathroom, when you floss your teeth, when you add a friggin' movie to your Blockbuster queque...but I digress.) So let's be just a little bit honest with one another. I have made it extremely easy for you, the reader, to leave a comment. I have not disabled the anonymous feature and I don't think I even make you type in a code (as a pathetic sidenote, I don't think I have enough daily hits on my blog to trigger spammers... sniff, sniff) so this one favor I'm about to ask really won't be that hard. All I need you to do is leave a comment on this post stating whether or not you are in favor of Plumberboy allowing me to get another dog, in all likelihood an adult female boxer. You don't have to leave your name, location, nada. In fact, a simple "yea" or "nay" will suffice. Just number yourself and post your vote. If it is a nay for you, please elaborate with some little anecdote to support your view. You know, like a boxer ate your baby one time or a boxer unlocked your otherwise unoccupied home for a burglar and helped them load the loot or your boxer threw a wild keg party one weekend while you were gone, leaving behind a smashed Ming vase. I will reward you* by posting an embarassing picture of myself...either me in a bathing suit (universally the last thing any woman wants to do) or me looking a good bit like Barney Rubble while pregnant with my 1st child OR (dun, dun, DUN!) me status post wisdom tooth extraction, which is well worth your vote in case you're wondering. (Both Stacy and Stacie can attest to that!)

*if the vote goes my way!


Anonymous said...

Well this is a tough call. I am always up for seeing embarrassing pictures of people. And it's been a really long time since I've seen the glorious wisdom teeth picture. So I want to vote "yes"for the dog. If no reward was offered and I was going with my first gut instinct, the frugal, penny pinching, somewhat neat freak that I am would say "no" due to the additional cost and mess a new dog can bring. So what will be my final vote...heck it's your money and not mine, so YES get the dog and post the picture.
(Sorry Plummerboy, she dangled that reward in front of me and I fell for it).

Stacy said...


Anonymous said...

Knowing that you already have two dogs and having seen all the little presents that the boxer has left in your parent's yard, my instinct is to say "NO". Of course the "NO" means that your sister gets to keep the job of pooper scooper. So I feel that the decision should be your's and Plummerboy's, regardless of how your poll turns out.

Anonymous said...

As an avid dog lover I think it would be insane for you to bring a large dog into the equation when you have invested a long time into your other two dogs. There is only so much Doggy love that can go around. I vote NO.. Sorry

Anonymous said...

YES, of course! Plumberboy is just a sore loser :) I do think it's very apparent who "anonymous" and "doggielover" are! lol I'm not even going to mention I was trying to be talked into saying the "no-no" by the aforementioned. Oops! Did I say that out loud???

P.S. I LOVE the red nails!

Anonymous said...

DAWG or DOG? YES or YA? NO or NAY? All questions we have to answer for ourselves. I think you are a wise blogger and wise bloggers know that three is a crowd. After reading all of our blog I have realized what a full life you have and that you have two other dogs presently. I think adding another living thing to your already full life might take you away from us. US being your loyal blog readers. Some of us wake up daily wondering what words of wisdom you will write. I will feel rejected if this said dog takes you away from us for even one post. I think your other Blog fans need to unite together and stand aginst this propostion. I VOTE NAY!! I need all the blog entries I can get. Keep them coming.UNITE FANS UNITE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cinnamon and Jasmine are good names!! ;)

Anonymous said...

As an outsider looking in, my unbiased opinion is in favor of the new dog. I think a new dog would be very lucky to find a new home with your family. Too many times people get dogs that end up being neglected, and if your family is able to take care of this dog financially as well as emotionally then I say go for it. Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

I abstain...but, if I were to vote, I would NOT vote for a Boxer! Maybe I would consider a German Shepherd, but NOT a Boxer. Regardless, you and Plumberboy need to agree before you get another dog.

By the way, I've seen all the pics, in fact, I probaly made most of them...

Anonymous said...

Yuor Husband must be a cold man. He does not want to save a poor little doggie. I think you should act like you are going to get a dog or even beg him for one. If you offer enough stuff in return he may deceide it is all worth it. (getting a dog that is) I will not vote in this poll.. but some advice would be to do as much for your husband as you can and maybe he will come around ;)

Steph said...

I'll be the first to admit that all of Plumberboy's and possibly my dear bro-in-law's comments hidden in anonymous' clothing are a bit confusing to me! I also see that there are many "nays" and even one "yea" that is actually a "nay" but she wants to see the wisdom tooth picture again.

I could post a long, rambling manifesto (what's new, heh?) about why I'm worthy of a new dog, prepared for a new dog, and whatnot but let's face it... you know I'm getting the dog. I've already "applied" for the dog. It's probably only a matter of time, folks. I'll keep you posted.

To Doggielover (who is probably one of Plumberboy's henchmen), perhaps I should mention that I'm only interested in adopting a dog from an animal shelter/rescue. If you're truly an AVID dog lover then you know that whatever we provide for this dog will be far superior to a cold kennel, a cramped temporary foster home, or the pink juice itself. Love doesn't typically run out, no matter how thin you spread it. Now energy and money are another story...

Thanks for the support from the rest of you (even if it is for your own self-serving purposes, Stacie!)

Peepaw: Why NOT a boxer? That's got to be one of the "safest" big dog choices around. A german shephard is a GREAT dog but I can't deal with all that hair. You know that. It's probably a boxer and you're going to LOVE her.

Good gravy, advicegvr!(*coughPlumberboycough*)

Anonymous said...

You've applied already? Any certain one?

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! This post struck a nerve look at all the comments. I just wish the voting had not closed yet. I think you closed the voting too quick. I would have said YES for sure if it meant you posting a picture of you in your swimsuit. I love BLoggers in swim gear. Happy Dogging

Anonymous said...

I suggest you name the new dog Plumberboy (even if it's a girl). She can be Plum for short.

Shannon said...

I love the name Plum! I say go for it! and I vote for the wisdom tooth pic! Didn't you threaten I mean, promise that pic posted another time, long ago?
Look at all the comments, maybe I should go to Six Flags more often... I think love for dogs is like love for kids, the more you have to love, the more love you have to give.

Tom said...

Now that all the votes are in and you've made up your mind, I vote YEA so I get to be on the winning team. I also think it was very shrewd of you to offer the incriminating photos yourself so Plumberboy couldn't use them as blackmail against you.

Jenny said...

I vote "perhaps".

Anonymous said...

Why not assuming that you aren't forcing Plumberboy against his will. We all know there's only one thing a girl should force a guy to do that they won't both regret later...

Anonymous said...

I am always late posting on these a owner of a BEAUTIFUL but not so bright Boxer, I say yes. Especially if you are adopting one from a rescue kennel. If you are wanting one for protection, then they probably aren't the dogs you are looking for. The only thing Sophie would do it lick you to death. They are wonderful, sweet natured dogs who almost never bark or shed too much.

Steph said...

Wow... thanks for all the comments everyone. See "Mea Culpa" for an update on the situation and thanks again for your thoughts, though you nay-sayers could have been a little more vocal with your protests and warnings! Gee, thanks for nothin'. (I kid, I kid!) And I promise to post the wisdom tooth pic ASAP...