Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So long, Sophia...

If you know me then you know I've seen every episode of the Golden Girls at least 10 times. So I just had to mention Estelle Getty's passing early this morning. Here is all you'd ever want to know about "Sophia Petrillo."


Shannon said...

It's nice to find out someone else my age used to watch that show! I still laugh at the reruns I remember seeing as a kid.

Anonymous said...

Didn't we have assigned Golden Girls roles in jr high. I swear I remember something like that, and I'm pretty sure I was Sophia. Anyways, hope you niece is doing better. I've been praying. And no I haven't given blood yet, but I promise to this year. I used to do it all the time, but it wipes me out for the entire day and I almost always faint. However, it's a small price to pay right?

Steph said...

Stacie, I honestly almost put an addendum to my request JUST FOR YOU... I personally don't think you should give blood because if you faint, hit your head, and need a couple of pints of blood from all the bleeding then you've just defeated the purpose, right? Plus, you've got babies now so I don't know if you would feel up to watching them afterwards. It'd be great if you could give now and not have those problems but if I were you, I wouldn't chance it right now. Plumberboy can give though and he HAS NOT yet!

Steph said...

PS: I'm pretty sure I was Dorothy... should I admit that?!?!?

PPS: I DO remember having Steel Magnolia names and I KNOW I was Olympia Dukakis (Clairee). Okay, okay, I get it... I look old!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and I think I was Sally Fields (Malynn, or however you spell it). I don't mind giving blood, but it will have to be a time when I'm not home alone so someone can watch the girls. I definitely weigh enough now that I just had a baby so perhaps I won't be faint. And yes, you were Dorothy.