Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thoughts and prayers...
Anyway, check out Crosby's page and please add his mom, Meredith, to your prayer list. She is now anxiously awaiting results from her own biopsy. I feel so bad for this family as they have been through so much already. I somewhat know what it feels like to be stuck in a vicious circle of bad news and worry. And I also know there are all sorts of little saying about not worrying if you're praying, etc but those were obviously said by people who didn't have a sick kid or a sick spouse. It's impossible not to worry with the frail hearts and flesh that God gave us for this world but it is possible to have a peace that surpasses understanding. I'm praying that for Team Nathaniel!
One last thing, yes I am aware of Jimmy Johns situation at Alabama. What more can I say? I've acknowledged many times on this very blog that our team is full of thugs who need to move on. It looks like Johns will be doing just that (on the taxpayers' dime)... and what a waste it is. My kids will never have the raw talent he had but he just goes and throws his all away. (As a sidenote, if memory serves me correctly, Jimmy Johns is a parent himself.) Doesn't he know that at the very least he could have successfully sold insurance in this state for the rest of his life? Don't follow in his footsteps, Baby Ro! (And no, that's not a code name for one of my younguns.)
PS: Upon reading some of today's articles, I'm guardedly optimistic that Johns' behavior was in no way condoned by his teammates seeing as he took great measures to hide his secret. On the other hand, his frat boy customers knew exactly who they were dealing with. Typical. Seriously, typical.
ADDENDUM: Apparently Jimmy Johns could have tried just a little harder to hide his side job. The police report indicates Johns sold dope in the parking lot of the football complex!!! But in fairness to Saban, those deals went down last week and can you imagine the uproar if Saban had kicked Johns off the team just for looking out his office window, seeing Jimmy Johns talking to a white dude, and assuming he must be a drug dealer. Much thanks to Mr. Johns for putting us in this situation. Har.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Praise The Lord!
Ugh, vacation was nice but being away from home and all its responsibilities for 9 days makes it almost not worth it. There was literally a mailbox full of mail that had been held by the postman, dead flowers in the flower boxes and beds, and emails galore with info that needs immediate attention. Plus, the kids are rundown completely... at times they are not even rational (surprise, I know.) Our vacation included 7 days packed full of water-related activities in one form or another with late bedtimes and early Eastern-time-zone mornings galore but our kids still refused to compensate for this lack of rest/sleep. Crabman slept a grand total of 15 minutes on our 11-hour ride home (that's less than me) while Ricky Bobby slept none (as expected.) Crabman is napping as I type while Ricky Bobby continues his summer tour of playdates. And yes, Stacie, I am tan (and also currently blonde) but I'm exhausted so I'd say the dark undercircles counter the glowing bronze of a fresh Florida tan. Don't be jealous. :)
Okay, I do have so many blogging-related thoughts on my mind though but really must be brief. First, the college minister at our church lost a daughter while we were in Florida. Apparently she had some heart issues at birth and died during surgery. I believe these issues were expected but as we all know, that doesn't make them any easier. We're praying for their family and grieve with them as best we can.
Now there's no way to eloquently segueway into random news articles so forgive me for abruptly shifting gears. I do want to mention that you should vote for John McCain just because of this. (Well, and this.) The answer to all of our energy problems is not offshore or ANWAR drilling (though I don't particularly see the harm)'s finding a new way to power a car, period. Solar and wind energy seems to me to be the logical course of action but grossly more efficient car components are a start. Running a car on water, especially salt water, seems incredibly short-sighted in my humble opinion. I mean, man does not live on gasoline alone but water is a whole different situation. I don't want to power my relatively unnecessary car on a vital element of life. Besides, Plumberboy is sick of me yelling "it's the cars, stupid!" at the TV every time they report on gas prices. Regardless, hunker down for long-term pump woes because the issues here are a lot more complex than Neal Cavuto wants to admit.
Okay, here's my vote for parents of the year.
File this under "I told you so." (See exhibit A). Stacie missed Ian's blog that linked to this article because she refused to participate in Day 8's suggested reading but I'll forgive her because she's the only one who commented while I was gone.
Lastly, I am so glad to hear that the so-called pregnancy pact didn't really exist and in reality the Gloucester girls acted independently in getting knocked up by homeless men. Whew! (PS: I thought those sort of things only happened in Nantucket!)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
You know you'll miss me...
Day 1 (Treat yourself and read the entire story. And be sure to read her newest posts from the past couple of weeks. I don't think it will be time wasted. Plus, there are tons of good links.)
Day 2 (There are probably lots of other interesting links from there... including lots more updated info.)
Day 3 (Tons, and a I do mean tons, of links via this site. I have to give credit where credit is due... I swiped this link from my sister's blog!)
Day 4 (Wanted to MAKE SURE you heard this for yourself. Look for an embedded video sometime in the future... ya know, just so you don't forget! You can read more here and here and here and here. Just FYI Barry, I'm 100% behind a woman doing whatever she wants with whatever is 100% her DNA. More on that later!)
Day 5 (Link 4 reminded me of this. Be sure you click on the title to get to the home page with her current blogs. After a brief scan, it appears there are lots of good political debates there.)
Day 6 (I think you'll always find something entertaining there and you need something fluffy to read after that last link!)
Day 7 (Very similar to Link 6 but hey, you can research the latest email forward while you're there!)
Day 8 (Probably the most informative of the Capstone beat bloggers)
Day 9 (Learn somethin' why doncha?!?!)
Day 10 (Then we can have something to talk about when I get back!)
PS: Don't forget about all my virtual friends on the sidebar (be sure to check on our friend, Crosby as he had his scans yesterday... big deal!) ----------->
Show them some blog meter love! And don't forget to check back here again soon but don't hold your breath waiting for vacation pics. It takes me for-evah to get them uploaded to the computer. Right, P-Paw?
Open mouth, insert wasp!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Yet more movie reviews for your reading pleasure
I'm exhausted with two
Okay, that's it for now. Utterly boring I know but it is coherent, right? Somewhat? Well, that's probably more than most folks could type under the aforementioned influences. That reminds me of just one last completely random though. I sliced my fingertip a couple of days ago on a small steak knife in my utensil drawer. There was definitely no major trauma but boy has it thrown a monkey wrench in my typing. I can type away on my laptop because the keys are softer but my transcription software is only loaded on my desktop. I pray it will heal up very soon. If not, I guess a good dose of saltwater is in order.
Have a good evening y'all...
Friday, June 6, 2008
I report, you decide:
And that is why I love this game of the round ball. (Confession time: I almost never follow the NBA for all the obvious reasons but this is The Celtics so of course we as a family have followed them in the postseason.) And I heart Paul Pierce (The Basketball Player, I don't know enough about Paul Pierce, The Person--feel free to enlighten me!)
So sit on that Phil Jackson and all you ESPN cronies.
PS: I wish this could have been Prothro's story... sniff, sniff. Seriously.
PPS: Why is it not pronounced the Boston "Keltics"? Just wonderin'
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Happy Anniversary...
PS: That means 15 years ago today I was suited up in a black and white dress (actually, not that bad really) with big pageant hair and everything. Nice day but eventually I had to help clean up after the reception. Stacy, please tell me you did stay behind and at least pick up a few things after my reception. I swore on this day 15 years ago that I'd be sure you did that after my wedding reception.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Company You Keep...
Don't forget Oprah. Yes, this Oprah.
Now some of Obama's own words.
And perhaps relegated to just a footnote in history but significant nonetheless: This (with #9 just added tonight) and lastly (but not leastly), this.
Yeah, you can expect more of this--lots more of this--now that Obama's the heir apparent. Way to go DNC, way to go!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Country roads, take me home...
...And two more movie reviews
Second, The Great Debaters. Pretty good I suppose. Based on a true story so that definitely gives it some bonus points. I always prefer something quasi-true as opposed to something along the lines of--oh, just for reference's sake--24. (If 24 is in any way realistic to you, please abstain from voting this November. Or other irreversible activity.)
Prepare to meet Mr. Angry Eyes!