Monday, October 13, 2008

6 things you honestly don't care one thing about (nope, not even the slightest...)

Apparently I was "tagged" by Shannon a few weeks ago so now--for the sake of blogging etiquette-- I must list 6 things you probably do not know about me (but let's face it, I'm not going to divulge any deep, dark secrets here... C'MON!) In no particular order:

1. Despite a deep and abiding love for all things Crimson (except lipstick), I did not graduate from the Capstone and actually graduated from Auburn University Montgomery. For the record, that makes me a Senator and not a Tiger, a weagle, or anything remotely related to the bodygettas. However, I did manage to meet Mr. Plumberboy in Tuscaloosa and while we were both students at UA, neither of us ever graduated from there. And no, Alabama does not have a plumbing science department... he was an athletic training major. I was an American Studies major (which is really just a history degree but WAY cooler!)

2. Speaking of schooling, I always thought I wanted to be a vet until I actually worked at a vet clinic during high school. Then I decided to become a lawyer, because that's the next logical step, right? So I worked at a law office during high school too and that didn't dissuade me but two little lines on a pregnancy test did. Now I doubt I'll ever go to law school but I am the proud owner of three (3!) dogs and a fish. Lucky Mr. Plumberboy...

3. I do not eat fruit. Seriously, no fruit at all. Not watermelon, not apples, not strawberries. Nada. I love lemon juice but not lemons. Go figure.

4. I hate flying. Loathe it. Still, I've managed to travel to both Canada and Mexico. By the way, I'm probably the only person you'll ever find that hates cruising. Hate it. I'm a homebody (not to be confused with homeboy.)

5. I have only been to one real concert. I saw Lenny Kravitz at Oak Mountain Amphitheater. Blues Traveler was also there (can't really remember because that was a looong time ago but somebody please tell me Kravitz did NOT open for Blues Traveler... that would be all kinds of wrong.) One big reason I never went to any concerts is that almost everyone I respect musically is dead.

6. I'm allergic to anything and everything environmental. EVERYthing. I'm allergic to plants, animals (including my three dogs... I had hives for a week after bringing Sassy home), even myself. Oddly enough, I'm not allergic to any foods but Crabman is allergic to tree fruit. We are bizarre folk. Bonus factoid: My blood type is O-.

Sassy Update*:

She is getting bigger. LOTS bigger. She probably weighs about 25 pounds now. She also poops a lot. A LOT. Plus, I underestimated the ickiness of puppy poop. Sure, I knew big dogs made big poop but I forgot how squishy, smelly, and impossibly unscoopable puppy poop can be. I was 100% prepared to scoop poop but I am not quite sure how to handle our current situation. Hopefully eventually she'll be worth all the trouble. (Fingers crossed.) For now, she is just Lazy. And mouthy. She chews virtually everything but has a distinct taste for Webkinz. Yet another reason the boys are not so big on having a new dog. They have suggested many times that we "sell" her and Ricky Bobby has referred to her at least once as a "filthy beast." But I assure you Crabman is not scared of her. Annoyed by, but not scared of.

Addendum: If I told you that the dog's name is Palin Mae Sassafras of Calhoun County but I call her Miss Sassy If You Nasty, what would you think of? This? Mr. Plumberboy had no clue why I called her that and is not really even familiar with the song. Anyway, even I think it's a little off kilter to hear my 4-year-old call her Miss Sassy If You Nasty but it sure is cute... ("Sit, Miss Sassy If You Nasty." "No, no Miss Sassy If You Nasty." "Go to your room, Miss Sassy If You Nasty!") So I guess it's a nod to Janet Jackson but in all actuality, I think her name will always sounds a bit like this in my head.

*On a related note, I am very pale.


Anonymous said...


Steph said...

Most definitely not tomatoes. Seriously, there is not a fruit that I will eat other than lemon if I HAD to have the vitamin C and could get it no other way. I will drink orange juice so maybe that counts for something???

Shannon said...

Wow, that's a lot of poop for one paragraph! The fruit thing is kinda weird... pineapple is SO GOOD! And yes, that is exactly what I thought of when you first gave us her nickname. How could you not associate the two? I followed the link, thinking I knew where it was going, and had to quickly come back cuz little miss "repeat EVERYTHING you say" was standing next to me. I'm still regretting the fact that for some reason, we showed her the Spice Girls video.

Haynes Our Way said...

She won't eat fruit, but she will eat an entire package of bologna, mayo straight from the jar with a spoon , Fudge rounds probably daily and I think fat off of a steak right?. However, despite all that nastiness, she is still slim and trim. Disgusting and unfair. And I only thought about Miss Sassy if your Nasty when I read her name. It's totally you. I remember you used to really like Janet Jackson music.

Steph said...

Shannon, pineapple is definitely not tempting to me. But you're right... it IS weird. I am weird. Stacie, I must clarify that you're probably remembering the one and only time I ate a whole package of bologna. There was in fact a time when I tried to gain weight but then I had kids and, well, you know the rest. It's no longer an issue, I'll say that. And I don't really like mayo that much anymore. I still eat it as a condiment but not as the main dish. I did really love Blue Plate mayo back in the day though. I do still eat Fudge Rounds and with two boxes in the cabinet right now, I can't really deny that one. And while I'm certainly not the weight I probably deserve to be, I am certainly not the featherweight who used to squeeze into your jeans just for your laughs. Just keepin' it real. :)

Stacy said...

Only 1 concert and it was Lenny Kravitz? I really do not remember that.

With all our differences, there's a similarity in that I don't really eat fruit either. I've always wondered if I was on Survivor if I'd get excited about winning a food challenge where the team gets a basket of fruit!

I am SO glad my children eat and enjoy fruit.

Jenny said...

Do you eat beans, the magical fruit?

As for pale---uh, I got you beat sister.

Stacy said...

OOH! Haa ;) Yes, I clicked the link now! TOO funny! I had totally forgotten about that!

The Latham Family said...

Pale is the new tan, didn't you know?

Steph said...

Well, I suppose I'm going retro with the tanning bed then! In all honesty, my skin breaks out (read: zits!) if I don't get my weekly dose of UVA/UVB (vitamin D???)