Friday, October 17, 2008

Derelict of duty

I know, I know. I haven't talked much football around these parts lately. My sincerest apologies for that but please know that I most definitely have not forgotten about football. :) Anyway, I don't really have much to contribute since last week was a bye for Bama and well, I just don't have words for all the other *ahem* situations elsewhere in the SEC. But since pictures are worth a 1,000 words, here's one that I believe is entitled Elephants Stifling Laughs While Trying Not to Burst Appendices. It should be available online.

Okay, now to my thoughts on this weekend's game. The Crimson Nation is pumped... in a fight-or-flight kinda way so don't think the fans are overlooking this weekend's game. Most (including Plumberboy) have been fearful of this game with Ole Miss since last year's game in Oxford. First, UM is definitely seeking revenge for what they feel (but in actuality was not) an unjust ruling that ultimately ended last year's game. Second, they are now coached by Houston Nutt and he's about as wily and unpredictable as, well, Houston Nutt. And now that Bama has a big ole target on its back (rivaled only in size by Texas'), our team has to be prepared this week and every week like it's the Orange Bowl. I'm personally not that "worried" about this week. Saban's teams have a habit of performing very well coming off a bye week so I think they will be fully prepared. Now next week's game in Knoxville, that's a whole 'nother story! But being an honorary cap'n and all, I'll lead by example and only concentrate on this week for now. I'm just praying Plumberboy makes a speedy recovery from a nasty head cold before tomorrow or else I might need to have a little blog giveaway for his ticket. :)

Well, I guess it's back to work now on the homefront... where I have most definitely abandoned my post as of late. Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

I am good to go.. No head cold here

Steph said...

Coulda fooled me!

Anonymous said...

Plumberboy got a shot where? Maybe it really isn't a head cold . . .