Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Because making a decision about an abortion really is as simple as Chinese or Italian?

Good gravy! I know I shouldn't be surprised at the ridiculous level of incompetence (and clinical insanity!) nearly every single celebrity exhibits on a daily basis... yet somehow I always am! Exhibit A and Exhibit B. Those are just two of the readily available examples that appeared on usmagazine.com yesterday. Why, OH WHY (somebody please tell me!), do we let these people dictate any sort of trend in our culture, let alone politics?!?!? I fear we as a nation--sooner or later-- will get exactly what we deserve.

As a dog returns to its vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly.
Proverbs 26:11

PS: Mr. Timberlake, if you really are this--shall we say--simple, then by all means do us a favor and keep it in the box. Signed, The Human Race


Stacy said...

PS is LOL!

Shannon said...

Obviously he IS that simple if his Mom had to help him come up with that! And Jess, if you think no one has the right to tell you what to do with your body, then why is it ok for you to take a child's life? UGH! Don't get me started!
Angie's just plain weird!