Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I need help (Anyone? Anyone?)

Friday Night Lights is already two episodes into the new season (with episode 3 airing tonight... TONIGHT PEOPLE!) and I still have not found a way to watch it. Does anyone have DirecTV??? Has anyone found a bootleg site for the new episodes??? How about a verbatim episode guide to bide my time??? Lyla and Tim are back on and I'm not able to tune in....... AYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! Should I just wait patiently until the episodes re-air on NBC? Trick question. Because, seriously, AYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I really do need help.


Jenny said...

I'm confused about this stuff too. It really irks me. I guess I can get it on Netflix sometime next year???

Steph said...

Jen, I think the episodes will air midseason on NBC, starting from the first episode of the new season. But I really don't want to wait. It drives me nuts to think about it airing right now but I can't see it. I can't believe someone hasn't bootlegged it by now but I can't find it. Let me know if you do!