Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm just sayin'

I REALLY want to go to Athens on Saturday. It's going to be hard on the ole ticker to not be there in person. I know, it's totally 100% illogical for me to go between the kids, dogs, Sunday school commitments, energy, travel costs, etc but it will seriously be hard for me to not be there. Does anybody feel sorry for me yet? Wow, tough crowd. So, I'm thinking about emailing one of the local talk radios or blogs or whatever and offer to do a little on-the-scene reporting in exchange for a ticket, press pass, ride in the back of a pickup truck there and back (all in one day because I really need to be back home come Sunday morning.) I mean, I'm sure I can find somebody to hang out with Miss Sassy or she can just learn how to hang out here by herself... which is going to happen someday anyway. Or she can just go to the game with me. (Seeing eye dog anyone?) I figure I can be in and out of Athens in 14-16 hours or so, right?!?!

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