Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yup, still my homegirl

Well, today is yet another busy day as Crabman has Meet the Teacher this morning at preschool (still hasn't started preschool and won't officially until Thursday) but I have a few minutes to kill while my ancient dinosaur hot rollers heat up so let's get to it. I know you've heard by now that Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant and I will admit to some surprise on my part. (In fact, I wanted to blog about it yesterday but Plumberboy was home so blogging was pretty much out of the question.)

There's lots to address so first I'll start with whatever mud the liberal bloggers may sling. (And much of this has already been discussed on Rick and Bubba this morning... dangit, they beat me to the punch!) Yes, Palin is a big advocate for abstinence-only programs and look where that got her daughter, right? Actually, abstinence has nothing to do with her daughter's situation since she obviously wasn't abstinent. If anything, this is quite the "I told you so" situation. And it stands in stark contrast--not only in principle but in practice--to what Barack Obama had to say on the issue. I pray this brings the entire issue to the forefront and we can start having open, honest discussions with today's "young folk" about throwing away their lives and their futures by buying into what Satan and the world is selling. What?!?!? How dare I imply this is a cultural problem, right? Have you seen the previews for Gossip Girl? Or what about the myriad of other shows geared towards tweens and teens? (Let's not even get me started on my hatred for all things on ABC Family.) If you have even a smidgen of decency and morality left in your body, you can't see them and not be appalled (and/or nauseated). Even Chace Crawford feels bad about it! In other words, we can't sell our kids (yes, they are kids) sex at every turn and then not expect the issue of teen pregnancy to seep into almost every facet of our community, including the Presidential race. There is no way the libs/Dems of this world can preach sexual and reproductive freedom to their constituents and then be holier-than-thou because the Republican VP nominee has a pregnant teenage daughter. However, kudos to Barack Obama for condemning any sort of "attack" on Palin's family life and to any other talking head for having the brains to realize this is a can of worms they really don't wanna open. Besides, if unplanned pregnancies and DUIs disqualified one from public office, no Kennedy would have ever been elected to anything.

Now, that was just my opener. What I really want to address is the conservative (and, by default, the Republican) response to the issue. I've browsed many blogs in the past 24 hours that also have an "I told you so" attitude towards Palin. You see, there are many people out there who believe a woman's only rightful place is the home and this knocked-up daughter only goes to further prove their theory! But there's one honking big flaw to that theory: I know plenty of gals with unplanned pregnancies who were raised by "stay-at-home" moms... probably more than those gals who were raised by "working" moms. Think about it... you probably do too! That doesn't mean I think staying at home "full time" with your kids is wrong (duh! That's what I do!) but I would also never have the audacity to believe that makes my kids immune from the snares of sin. I'm definitely planning to go into my thoughts on the "mommy wars" at some point in the future but for now, I just want to remind the good Christian folk about a few things. Like what Jesus had to say about casting the first stone. Now, a lot of people (Christian or not) know that story. What sometimes gets lost in the shuffle is that the folks exited the scene in this order: oldest first. You think that has something to do with the fact that they knew there was plenty to point out in their own lives, like maybe a time or two that (but by the grace of God, so to speak) they weren't "caught"? Or what about good King David? He was in fact "caught." I don't think that disqualified him from being a great leader of his times or a Biblical "hero." Well, is all of that stuff just too ancient for you? Then how about Ned Graham and Virginia Graham Foreman, who happen to be the offspring of one Mr. Billy Graham?

Okay, I gotta run but hold your breath because I'll be back soon with some more thoughts on Bama football. :)

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