Thursday, September 25, 2008

My, my USC...

I do believe you may have a Goliath complex. What else explains you letting a bunch of outmanned (albeit rabid) Beavers with a peanut named Jacquizz (seriously) Rogers smack you around all over Corvalis, once again letting a little ole David ruin your title run? Regardless, it's good to see that even with all your rampant cheating (insert Reggie Bush article here at a later date), you are far from unstoppable. Even better? Knowing that it actually means something to Bama for the first time in a long (long!) time.

"Who will fight me?"

PS: On a completely unrelated note, Sassy used the doggie door this evening to poop in the so-called dog yard. Thank God for the little things! Let's hope this all adds up to the beginning of a very good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay Sassy!!