Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's that time of year

You know how I offer up public service announcements (PSAs) from time to time? Well, here's another one. That's just FYI as I thought it might be especially useful this time of year. You're welcome.

PS: I've frequently put VapoRub as far into my nasal passage as humanly possible and I would have eagerly rubbed it directly onto my sinus cavity and/or my brain if I had something that was long enough to reach. I have found a nose spray with just a shot of VapoRub in it that will clear you right up but sure enough, it does eventually cause some rebound swelling. Nasacort AQ seems to work best on a daily basis. Okay, that's all for me for now as this has quickly digressed into some sort of WebMD moment.


Stacy said...

Would it be wisest of me to just not comment? Probably so :)

So everyone, just please ignore this! It's not here!


Steph said...

Commenting to not comment is still a comment, no? I kid, I kid. I think we all know where you stand on the issue of injecting corticosteroids up your nose.