Can you believe I actually have this date circled on my calendar because Friday Night Lights is FINALLY back on NBC. Of course you can! Remember this? Well, I gave up on trying to watch it on DirecTV. It turns out I had other things to occupy my thoughts this fall. Which is probably a good thing because now I can turn my undivided attention towards Lyla and let's be honest it's really all about Tim Riggins.
PS: Just be happy I didn't have a blog back in my Dawson's Creek days. Joey and Pacey Forever. (And I see I'm not the only one wishing that...) Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. Hint: I have an attachment to Joey and Pacey so don't come up on my blog with no Joey and Dawson crap. You've been sufficiently warned! :)
UPDATE: The Joey and Pacey link has been fixed... enjoy!!!
Dawson was never good for Joey. Never. Pacey loved her unconditionally and I always pulled for them. (sigh) I really miss that show - a while back they used to show 2 episodes in a row every morning, and I never missed it. I guess I'm going to have to get the DVD box set.
Dawson needed a boyfriend.
Love me some Riggins, but I wish the boy would wash his hair.
Ginger, I miss those TBS episodes too. I would watch it at the gym all the time and I think I knew all the dialogue by heart. It only took 4 or 5 months to go through the whole series so sometimes I'd skip the shows with Dawson and Joey together. Or Joey and Kate Hudson's brother. That was terrible. I was very happy with the final outcome. (Gosh, I've thought about this WAY TOO MUCH.)
Jen, I kept waiting for Dawson to hook up with Jack (who was the straightest gay guy ever on TV. I think he was the real father of Jen's baby.) I always thought maybe Dawson just wanted Joey as a decoy but let's face it... Katie Holmes is NO man's beard. ;)
Riggins is looking rougher than usual this year. Maybe Lyla will give him a makeover?
PS: Guys the link is fixed now. No one told me it only linked to a pic with Riggins and Lyla. Now you can enjoy a few minutes of cheesy (but good) music and images of Pacey and Joey forever. SIGH.
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