Friday, September 14, 2007

Quick Intro...

I know it's a little late for an intro since I've been all in-yo-face with the previous posts but I thought I'd at least drop a quick personal post before we head out of town. I'm glad you found me and hopefully you're stopping by often. I have a goal of posting once a day but that of course doesn't work during football season. I think my point in starting a blog was to brush up on some of my communication skills since I don't write many briefs or read many dissertations at my current job (I do however eat bon-bons and watch soap operas.) So here's to hoping I can make you chuckle at times and maybe, just maybe, make you think.

And there's this just because it wouldn't be a post without some sort of link. SHOCKING, I know. But since that's predictable and not at all random (OJ=guilty like....) here's a lovely slice of randomness for the weekend. ROLL TIDE everyone!


Stacy said...

All I can think of with that video is our cuz S doing an imitation of that skit! Surely that's your reason for having such a fond affection of this, too.


Shannon said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe you brought up the hot tub skit!!
I remember watching that with you & Tori when we were, like 8 or so.
Your randomness is amazing, you got skillz to bring on the funny, girl!!