Saturday, October 13, 2007

Battle of the Bangs...

*Note from the editor: I am taking advantage of a brief quiet moment in our household (boys out for a bike ride with Daddy) to comment on the Alabama-Ole Miss game so please feel free to skip this post if reading it might endanger your vision due to excessive eye-rolling. It will be light (possibly nonexistent) on links and heavy on football. My apologies in advance to the pure randomists out there.

...Bangs, as in feathery wispy hair covering your forehead as opposed to explosions or big hits more commonly associated with football games. Alas, this is the annual game between two pretty boy schools with the grand poobah of all Bama Bangs under center for UA. If you're neutral then I think you will agree that it was a great game. If you're an Ole Miss fan then you probably think your team got hosed. There were indeed a few calls that may have favored Bama, including the call that essentially ended the game. But in an attempt at an unbiased opinion, I think the rules state a player cannot be the first to touch the ball after he has ventured out of bounds, which the Ole Miss player clearly did. Now it was a toss-up between who touched it first and frankly Lionel Mitchell should have had the INT outright, but what-ev. I was just glad to see the good guys (that would be the boys in white) play a much better game. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely, but they appeared to care for once. So, Nick Saban had a cold all week... PSYCH! (or "sike" if you like, I think that's the official 8th grade spelling) I will choose to believe he strained his vocal cords peeling some paint off the locker room walls before and after practices this week. Who knew he was reading my blog? Come on, Nicky, leave me a comment! I shall also continue criticize J.P. Wilson in posts from here on out as well since he obviously took offense (pun intended) from my earlier post. Or maybe he was just inspired by all the cute co-eds and hotty totty that flows so freely in the Grove. Again, what-ev... just ROLL TIDE!

PS-- Welcome back Mr. Toss Sweep!

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