Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Quick Post to Clarify

It has come to my attention that I may appear to have a "preoccupation" with Alabama football. Is there enough evidence to convict? Let me see... it does appear that the Football tag takes the cake and if you throw in the Football with a side of randomness then it's not even close. So let me attempt to clarify (and perhaps look a little itty bit less like a loser, though "I ain't never been nuthin' but a winna"--jeez, I really do have a problem!) Okay, okay, let me start over. How bout I try out using the nifty lists format? What am I asking y'all for? Only FOUR WHOLE PEOPLE have voted... like it's soooooo hard to click. (Bitter much? Nooooo, not me.)

For real, here it go:

So, Stephanie, why do you post so much about football?
  • It's football season and it seems like all we do is go to games this time of year. So naturally it's on my mind.
  • It's something I enjoy discussing (I think I would have been a coach if I was a man) and since I type about 200 words per minute, it's easy for a simple post to digress into a manifesto.
  • It is true that I do eat, sleep, and breathe college football (though I should get credit for having successfully nixed my nasty football recruiting habit)
  • Honestly (and seriously might I add) I don't feel comfortable discussing my personal life on the world wide web. I know, I know. We are an intimate group here on Steph's Other Space but eventually I'll hit it big (think Ariana Huffington--God forbid!) and these posts will all be archived, right? So I don't have the brainpower to come up with cute yet meaningful pseudonyms and I can't use our real names for sure... we're practically the only ones in this state other than my in-laws and my sweet, sweet mother-in-law will tell anyone anything if you just ask. Love ya Nana Ana-Nay! You know what might help? If you commented and introduced yourself! :)

So is there anything else in your life besides football?

  • If you are my child's teacher then you probably think I obsess about their safety and education (in that order). I am at my oldest's son's school at least once a week meeting with the teacher, volunteering, and basically stalking my own child. Truthfully, I opted out of the standard parent-teacher conference last week because there's nothing left to talk about.
  • If you are my husband then you probably think I obsess about his upcoming 30th birthday...what does he want for his birthday? (No, Carhartt pants don't count.) What does he want to do that day? (No, that doesn't count either!) What kind of cake does he want? (Who cares? He's getting a cookie cake.)
  • If you are our neighbors then you probably think we obsess about working on our house. We've pretty much been in various states of remodeling for the past 4 1/2 years! And there's still the ENTIRE outside of the house to paint. Ugh. And the trim to finish and the window treatments and the pictures to hang...
  • If you are my computer, you think I obsess about typing medical records. And now I have a blog? "Oh, great" groans the faded keyboard.
  • If you are my van, you think I obsess about schlepping the kids to and fro.
  • If you are my TV then you think I obsess about Fox News, The Nanny, and Reba with once-weekly breaks for The Office (don't call on Thursdays at 8PM, I won't answer the phone) and as much as it pains the TV to admit, Friday Night Lights.
  • My husband would also say I am obsessive about blogging but I say hogwash... reiterating I type quite fast, thank you very much.

Anything you're obviously not obsessing about?

  • Clean floors
  • Stray eyebrow hairs
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Catching up on laundry
  • Christmas shopping

Okay, that last list just officially became a "to do" list. Well, now that the cabinet guy is finished I can get back to living life and counting down the minutes til the Saban Bowl. Did I type that out loud?

PS-- Blogger Dashboard would like to state that it thinks I'm obsessed with editing my posts. Steph's OCD= new and exciting things every time you read a post!


Stacy said...

Excellent post!

You will have a multitude of readers one day, I'm sure of it!

You should consider joining the family-friendly blog roll & the Mom blogs.

Make sure you list your location as Alabama on your blog & will list you automatically. I get a few from there every oncein a while...

Steph said...

And the award to Most Encouraging Commentor (or is it -er?) goes to... dun,dun,DUN: Stacy from! As always, much thanks as it is much appreciated!

You'll have to tell me how to join those groups and I will gladly do so. I was perhaps misleading in a previous post... blogging is about 99.5% for me so there is about half a percent of my being that likes for as many as possible to read my blog. Makes me feel needed! HA!

Shannon said...

I think I look forward to reading your football related blogs the most, but to be perfectly honest, I think I feel inadequate to comment on your 'football manifestos'. You really know your stuff.... that's why I enjoy reading it!
200 wpm, DANG! You got skillz!
Isn't FNC the greatest? During commercials I tend to surf CNN or MSNBC, but I really do like Fox the best. The others are so liberal, it makes me sick. I'm trying to find you a link to a story they reported yesterday that's just crazy. (No luck yet- I'll keep you posted.) Shephard Smith, Geraldo, Martha, Edie, they rule!
Maybe one day I'll feel up to par, or like I have something to contribute on the football subject, when it happens, you'll be the first to know!
Keep bloggin'!! :o)

Steph said...

Shannon, you are such an encouraging commentor too..thanks! Man, we go back almost as far as me and my sister! Listen, I never played a down in football (okay, I tried powder puff flag football in college but I was lame-o and they NEVER let me play) so there is no way you are any more inadequate to comment than I am! A good Roll Tide will do just fine, too! I won't even get mad if someone posts a hearty "War Eagle" on there... that's what it is all about. I welcome any dialogue, as long as there are no four-letter words... :) I wish I knew more about b'ball because I lurve it too but honestly, I can't figure out the schemes, etc like I somewhat have with football. Sitting in the upper deck gives you a good birds-eye view so I really have had a good long time to figure stuff out. Anyway, glad to hear you enjoy the football posts. There are definitely some who don't! THANKS!

Shannon said...

As a matter of fact, not too long ago I was showing my boys the kindergarten class picture from good ole' 1983...we were so cute!!
PS-Which is your fave NFL team?

Steph said...

Well, this has grown to be quite the commenting thread... Anyway, Patriots all the way. Keep in mind, I married a yankee who hung Patriots posters in his room back when they sucked. We even have a "vintage" Patriots shirt from about 20 years ago that the kids sleep in. Funny how all the New England teams really stunk it up when he was growing up but now they play in the World Series and Super Bowls year in and year out. He was always a fan, though!

Anonymous said...

I'd love for you do to an extensive expose' on the corrupt auburn athletic department. Maybe even include the shoddy academics of the barn program as well.

Steph said...

Hello Mr. Whitey and welcome to Stephsotherspace. Unfortunately, I cannot accomodate requests at this time. Please check back with stephsotherspace again soon!

Chette Williams, Special Guest Editor