Well, it's hard to believe it's been 20+ weeks of praying for Crosby and so far he's done amazingly, miraculously well! Today Cros' mom posted something that I need to share here (and feel guilty for not sharing sooner). The "Robyn" in that post is Plumberboy's sister so that makes Meredith our niece. Doctors have monitored a hole in Meredith's heart for quite some time and finally feel that now is the time to operate. So, next week little Meredith will undergo open-heart surgery to repair the hole. Now if this wasn't stressful enough, Robyn and Plumberboy's grandmother has stage IV colon cancer that has metastasized to the liver and other places. Grammaw lives with my in-laws and requires someone to be with her at all times but of course my mother-in-law wants to be with her daughter and granddaughter at a time like this. So she's flying out to be with them next week but I know it will be so hard for her to leave her own sick mother behind. And it's a logistics nightmare to boot so just be in prayer for the whole situation if you don't mind. I'll keep y'all posted as things develop.

I will certainly be praying for them all.
Let me know how everything goes. I'll be praying for them.
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