Here's our Old Skool Patriots Pennant that I hope doesn't bring us bad luck (I don't think they ever won a Super Bowl with that silly logo!)

Well, I don't have long but I felt compelled to post something prior to Super Bowl Sunday. I'm a little nervous that no one gives The Giants a chance and are already calling The Patriots v.2008 the best NFL team ever, perhaps the best sports team ever. But I also feel like if ever there was a team that understands this game, the hype, the history then it's Bill Belichick and The Pats. And yeah, Tom Brady too I guess. Of course, in the interest of all that is fair and balanced, there's Spygate. I have more questions than answers after reading that particular article but I think I can sum it up this way. Football is a game of downs, of plays if you will. In other words, the players still have to get out there and execute. EVEN IF you were privy to the other team's signals, you would A) have to come up with a counterplay to neutralize their play and then execute but B) you would first have to decipher the signals. That's where this guy comes in. (I know, I know. It's a long article but I promise it's a fascinating read to me...perhaps because I find Ricky Bobby eerily similar to this Ernie guy. Except for living with his parents as a grown, multi-million-dollar man. Ain't gonna happen, Mr. Ricky Bobby!) Anyway, the way I see it... there's plenty of MIT and Berkeley graduates with phenomenal analytical skills out there needing a job so I say to the other 31 NFL teams, GO HIRE YOUR OWN FOOTBALL MADMAN and QUIT WHINING! The fact that we deplore "competitive advantange"* in this country irks me. What are we, communists?
So go cheer for The Pats this weekend... or you're a Commie. :)
*This opinion does not apply to the use of steroids. Sure, it's a competitive advantage to use steroids, HGH, and fertility drugs to boost your game... until you wake up one day and realize you're an androgyne selling life insurance from a tiny cubicle in Podunk, USA who's unable to legally marry anyone and most certainly unable to procreate, except maybe with yourself. Who's looking like the loser now?
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