Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Did I miss my calling?
Because I know that I know that I know I would've sought and secured the death penalty for this depraved couple. And not necessarily because I'm that good but because they are that bad (egregiously so) and if for no other reason than this trial is in Texas for crying out loud... I hear they still hang 'em at sunset out there. Good thing The Father sees and knows all. Me thinks He won't take too kindly to what these scumbags did if they don't repent.
What the???
I know I said I wasn't looking to bash Obama here (and honestly, I'm not looking but this stuff keeps popping up and sucker-punching me in the face!) Regardless, the last time I checked I was a girl and girls reserve the right to change their minds. Hey, at least I still have a mind as it's now quite apparent to me that Obama has lost his! Let me back up and say that I'm not mad (per se) that he's offering an olive branch to the muslim community, although that certainly shows a certain large degree of naivete, but I'm fuming that this is his first interview as President of the United States. He could have made reaching out to the muslim community a priority but still given his first interview to a distinguished American journalist. For someone with a relatively high IQ, I would think he would realize how this is going to play with middle America (and don't say it doesn't matter because every President or Presidential hopeful cares how it will play in Peoria.) Not to mention that there can be no "mutual respect" with terrorists. Call me crazy but I don't respect Bin Laden nor his little Al-jibberjab sidekick. Arrrrgh, I'm regretting that I didn't actually go door-to-door for McCain now (0r at least wormed my way into his campaign to wield enough influence over their campaign tactics regarding his stance on attacking Obama's questionable muslim agenda.)
PS: A preemptive Letter from the Editor...
Dear Anonymous:
I see that you have stopped by Steph's Other Space at least a couple of times (or more if you're reading this) and while I appreciate your patronage, I would prefer that you assert your intellectual prowess by engaging in meaningful conversation as opposed to slinging words like "dummy," "idiot," and "retard." That said, you should know that I'm the Adrian Peterson of blog commentating, which means I can do it all day. (Read: All. Day.) In the past, someone has asked a question or stated a hypothesis and then we here at Steph's Other Space engage in scholarly dialogue. We may not all agree but we certainly don't resort to name-calling as the lowest common denominator. I assure you that you really don't want to go that route anyway as you have now ventured down into the Deep South where we tend to manifest God's love in a fashion more closely resembling Jesus clearing the temple than offering His other cheek. Now if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, please email me so we can discuss that matter in private because if you don't have a relationship with Jesus then anything you encounter here will be a mere gnat stuck to your windshield as you travel the great highway of life. If you have no interest in knowing Jesus then rest assured I have no interest in casting my pearls before swine. Perhaps you should just stick with MckMama's page, where--as you know--she is both funnier and a whole lot nicer.
To the other readers here at Steph's Other Space, I suggest we just freeze out "anonymous" and her/his infantile comments via the ole cold shoulder, though she may be impervious to such chilly tactics as she hails from coastal Washington state near Bellingham, give or take a few miles. God bless his/her yankee heart.
PS: A preemptive Letter from the Editor...
Dear Anonymous:
I see that you have stopped by Steph's Other Space at least a couple of times (or more if you're reading this) and while I appreciate your patronage, I would prefer that you assert your intellectual prowess by engaging in meaningful conversation as opposed to slinging words like "dummy," "idiot," and "retard." That said, you should know that I'm the Adrian Peterson of blog commentating, which means I can do it all day. (Read: All. Day.) In the past, someone has asked a question or stated a hypothesis and then we here at Steph's Other Space engage in scholarly dialogue. We may not all agree but we certainly don't resort to name-calling as the lowest common denominator. I assure you that you really don't want to go that route anyway as you have now ventured down into the Deep South where we tend to manifest God's love in a fashion more closely resembling Jesus clearing the temple than offering His other cheek. Now if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, please email me so we can discuss that matter in private because if you don't have a relationship with Jesus then anything you encounter here will be a mere gnat stuck to your windshield as you travel the great highway of life. If you have no interest in knowing Jesus then rest assured I have no interest in casting my pearls before swine. Perhaps you should just stick with MckMama's page, where--as you know--she is both funnier and a whole lot nicer.
To the other readers here at Steph's Other Space, I suggest we just freeze out "anonymous" and her/his infantile comments via the ole cold shoulder, though she may be impervious to such chilly tactics as she hails from coastal Washington state near Bellingham, give or take a few miles. God bless his/her yankee heart.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
You can dance on top of a book! (Updated with less annoying version of video but now there's a new more disturbing video to boot!)
Seriously, there's something for everyone (including facebook crossovers!) I really am about to quit wasting time on the computer but not before I embed quite possibly the worst bootlegged video in the history of youtube. Maybe your computer's speakers are better than my laptop but just in case they aren't, the raccoon is saying "I got rabies for learnin'."
UPDATE: I have three words: Hip Hop Harry. I thought "Da Learnin' Train" was spoofing Yo Gabba Gabba (which I heart) and Choo Choo Soul from Playhouse Disney. Aye-yi-yi. This is fo' real and apparently you really can watch it on Discovery Kids. (Plus it's also currently On Demandizzle with Charter Cabizzle. Word.):
UPDATE: I have three words: Hip Hop Harry. I thought "Da Learnin' Train" was spoofing Yo Gabba Gabba (which I heart) and Choo Choo Soul from Playhouse Disney. Aye-yi-yi. This is fo' real and apparently you really can watch it on Discovery Kids. (Plus it's also currently On Demandizzle with Charter Cabizzle. Word.):
A Follow-up (Updated with a link in an attempt to prove it's not just me being mean!)
For you Lacey, a pic that reveals the true owner of the purple Madonna gloves (with Jay-Z still in the ridiculous hat while Beyonce/Sasha Fierce thinks to herself "If he wasn't worth a gazillion dollars..."):

And this is for "anonymous" who seems to get her feathers all ruffled by Jay-Z's hat and gay priests. Oh yeah, it's also for anyone who can grasp the absurdity that is Aretha Franklin's hat, though it does make her head look smaller.

And this is for "anonymous" who seems to get her feathers all ruffled by Jay-Z's hat and gay priests. Oh yeah, it's also for anyone who can grasp the absurdity that is Aretha Franklin's hat, though it does make her head look smaller.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Too soon?
Honestly, I'm done talking about today's events right after I post this pic:

Mr. Z, I know it's quite frigid out there today but that hat? Really? No, seriously, history in the making and that hat? Can I get a what what?

Mr. Z, I know it's quite frigid out there today but that hat? Really? No, seriously, history in the making and that hat? Can I get a what what?
You lookin' at me???
Are you waiting for me to comment on today's historic events? Well, it is historic no matter your views on the candidate (read: don't listen to Rush Limbaugh...ever!) as it's only the 44th President in this country's history. That said, today is not the day to wax poetically about the future of our country. I'm sincerely happy that people perceive today as a huge step forward in the ongoing civil rights movement but I won't deny I'd much (much!) rather see the likes of Condoleeza Rice, Alan Keyes, or perhaps even Montgomery's own native son Artur Davis taking that oath today. I too have a dream that one day all people (political candidates most definitely included) will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. So I guess that's it for me today (and for who knows how long because it's a never-ending job being a mom!) Bless God America and may God be with President Obama as well as his fellow Americans.
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just like the good ole days!
I am so glad someone over at NBC convinced Lorne Michaels that you don't always have to be uber-raunchy to be funny (Thanks Ms. Fey!) In fact, I'll bet SNL's ratings have gone up since they decided to cater to those of us whose IQs are a wee bit higher than the average oversexed high school jock.
Friday, January 16, 2009
TGIF (Updated with a full 4 1/2 minutes PLUS of Joey and Pacey... you're welcome!)

Can you believe I actually have this date circled on my calendar because Friday Night Lights is FINALLY back on NBC. Of course you can! Remember this? Well, I gave up on trying to watch it on DirecTV. It turns out I had other things to occupy my thoughts this fall. Which is probably a good thing because now I can turn my undivided attention towards Lyla and let's be honest it's really all about Tim Riggins.
PS: Just be happy I didn't have a blog back in my Dawson's Creek days. Joey and Pacey Forever. (And I see I'm not the only one wishing that...) Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. Hint: I have an attachment to Joey and Pacey so don't come up on my blog with no Joey and Dawson crap. You've been sufficiently warned! :)
UPDATE: The Joey and Pacey link has been fixed... enjoy!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's that time of year
You know how I offer up public service announcements (PSAs) from time to time? Well, here's another one. That's just FYI as I thought it might be especially useful this time of year. You're welcome.
PS: I've frequently put VapoRub as far into my nasal passage as humanly possible and I would have eagerly rubbed it directly onto my sinus cavity and/or my brain if I had something that was long enough to reach. I have found a nose spray with just a shot of VapoRub in it that will clear you right up but sure enough, it does eventually cause some rebound swelling. Nasacort AQ seems to work best on a daily basis. Okay, that's all for me for now as this has quickly digressed into some sort of WebMD moment.
PS: I've frequently put VapoRub as far into my nasal passage as humanly possible and I would have eagerly rubbed it directly onto my sinus cavity and/or my brain if I had something that was long enough to reach. I have found a nose spray with just a shot of VapoRub in it that will clear you right up but sure enough, it does eventually cause some rebound swelling. Nasacort AQ seems to work best on a daily basis. Okay, that's all for me for now as this has quickly digressed into some sort of WebMD moment.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I was afraid this was going to happen...
I know a lot of people were a little more at ease with President-Elect Obama after his choice of Rick Warren for the invocation at the inauguration. Unfortunately, I figured something like this would eventually happen. Now I'm not giving up on Barack Obama and his ability to lead our country in a positive direction (nor am I saying "I told ya so") but I am quite concerned about Obama's propensity for easily being led astray. And just for the record, what I find offensive about Gene Robinson from that article has nothing to do with his sexuality... it's his flippant attitude towards God's word. I'm not sure what version he reads, but I've never ever come across a Bible that paints God or His plan for our lives as "happy, clappy."
PS: Dear Mr. Robinson, please go about your business doing as you please and so long as you're not breaking any laws or imposing your will on me or my family, I'll gladly (no pun intended) let you be. However, I'd like to respectfully request that you stop calling yourself a Christian. You're not so I'll continue to call you out whenever and wherever I can if you continue to do so. Have a happy, clappy day!
PS: Dear Mr. Robinson, please go about your business doing as you please and so long as you're not breaking any laws or imposing your will on me or my family, I'll gladly (no pun intended) let you be. However, I'd like to respectfully request that you stop calling yourself a Christian. You're not so I'll continue to call you out whenever and wherever I can if you continue to do so. Have a happy, clappy day!
Have you seen this show?!?!
It's called It's Me or The Dog and I think it comes on The Animal Planet channel. (I don't really know because it just happens to be on the TV sometimes, right after some animal talent show that my kids watch.) Anyway, I'm amazed at how stupid these people are with their dumb, mean dogs. There's some evil pomeranian on there right now named Teddy Pom-Pom and I wonder why they don't dropkick that stupid mutt across the house. Then I realize I am the owner of an overly aggressive (borderline dangerous) 4-lb poodle named Cotton and I just shut up.
PS: Plumberboy says we need to go on this show and Cotton barks with approval. Someday I'll try to get a quick digital video of Cotton at his finest, quickly wrangling a 50+ lb Miss Sassy to the ground.
PS: Plumberboy says we need to go on this show and Cotton barks with approval. Someday I'll try to get a quick digital video of Cotton at his finest, quickly wrangling a 50+ lb Miss Sassy to the ground.
Friday, January 9, 2009
My toe hurts...
but this takes my mind off the pain:
I'm pretty sure that's the head ref from last night's BCS Championship game. And for those of you who care, I was in fact pulling for The Gators. Seriously, who doesn't love Tim Tebow? (Okay, there's probably at least one. As for me, I may eventually purchase a 1-5 UF jersey. That's fair warning, P-Paw and Plumberboy. I'm sorry, but he's the definition of "nothing but a winner.") And for me the Bammer, it means that we only lost to the AP's final #1 and #2. That's the good news. The bad news is that you were 12-0 beforehand and controlled your own destiny regarding another national championship. Oh well... I'd much rather win one in Pasadena anyway (yes, that's a vain attempt to mask the pain... which at this point appears to be manifesting itself as a throbbing, aching left little toe.)
PS: Dear Sooners, do not feel bad... it happens to the best of us. We were most definitely Tebow'd this season too!
I'm pretty sure that's the head ref from last night's BCS Championship game. And for those of you who care, I was in fact pulling for The Gators. Seriously, who doesn't love Tim Tebow? (Okay, there's probably at least one. As for me, I may eventually purchase a 1-5 UF jersey. That's fair warning, P-Paw and Plumberboy. I'm sorry, but he's the definition of "nothing but a winner.") And for me the Bammer, it means that we only lost to the AP's final #1 and #2. That's the good news. The bad news is that you were 12-0 beforehand and controlled your own destiny regarding another national championship. Oh well... I'd much rather win one in Pasadena anyway (yes, that's a vain attempt to mask the pain... which at this point appears to be manifesting itself as a throbbing, aching left little toe.)
PS: Dear Sooners, do not feel bad... it happens to the best of us. We were most definitely Tebow'd this season too!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Our God is an awesome God...
I know that title is kind of an unusual one for what I'm about to post but I think it's appropriate (although, to be fair and balanced, I think it's always appropriate to mention that our God is an awesome God!)
The woman I've mentioned before, Hope, passed away this morning. Just read her husband's blog entry for yourself and then please pray for him and his family. He has lots of questions and few answers (Don't we all?!?!) God is so very awesome in the way He works out even the smallest details and I want to acknowledge how much I appreciate that... it's really been an answer to my prayers. Again, please pray for this family as they deal with death and then enter a new phase of life. I am praying specifically for a continuing renewal of her husband's faith.
May God bless that now "Hope-less" family with a future and a new kind of Hope. And may He bless Hope with that healing and peace I've desperately petitioned Him for on her behalf. Amen.
The woman I've mentioned before, Hope, passed away this morning. Just read her husband's blog entry for yourself and then please pray for him and his family. He has lots of questions and few answers (Don't we all?!?!) God is so very awesome in the way He works out even the smallest details and I want to acknowledge how much I appreciate that... it's really been an answer to my prayers. Again, please pray for this family as they deal with death and then enter a new phase of life. I am praying specifically for a continuing renewal of her husband's faith.
May God bless that now "Hope-less" family with a future and a new kind of Hope. And may He bless Hope with that healing and peace I've desperately petitioned Him for on her behalf. Amen.
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