Friday, January 4, 2008

Calm down everybody...

I didn't mean to spark such a raging debate... HAR HAR obviously. Wow, who would have thunk the randomness and Saban Dance would generate so much interest but talking politics would be the death kneel of this blog? (I'm such a rebel!) Good thing I don't care anything about who is (or "isn't" may be most appropriate) reading this blog. I probably enjoy discussing politics as much as football... well not really but does it count that I think it's more important? (Come on, football is a very close second!) Anyway, I'll just keep typing away knowing that at least my big sis is reading it... which means I better get to covering Ron Paul. But Stace, I think I have to say that Ron Paul is going to concede in the next couple of months. It's shame because he would be a great choice but he just doesn't have the steam behind his campaign. Huckabee may in fact tank in the next couple of months but he seems to be the social conservatives' choice du jour. Now I can't wait to see how many readers I scare off with the "A" word. This is really kind of fun. :)


Stacy said...

First, I gotta figure out what the "A" word is...

NAK'ing might be distracting me some but...

GO RP! :)

Steph said...

Who or what is NAK...obviously we don't have ESP anymore. :)

The big "A" word is no fun...abortion. You know I REALLY want to blog about it but I want to take my time and calmly collect my thoughts. It will be like a whole project for me to present it the way I want and time is a luxury right now. Stay tuned though cuz it will eventually happen!

And hey, hold onto to RP as long as you can... ain't no shame.

Stacy said...

LOL - I thought NAK was at least wikipediable but I checked and it wasn't.

You can guess from which of the acronym definitions found here...

Steph said...

Oh my were naked at the keyboard?!?! TMI... LOL. I'm on a roll now.

Stacy said...

Isn't that a crazy acronym?! And listed FIRST!