Friday, January 4, 2008

A tearful request...

I just read Crosby's mom's latest journal entry and wanted to again pass along a request that you pray for this family. I about lost it at the end when she says she is "begging God." I'm not asking that we all beg for healing as I really do want God's will in this situation regardless but I am BEGGING all of you to join with our family and pray for God's divine peace in this situation in Jesus' name. I just want them to feel wrapped in God's grace and able to weather this storm. (I'm picturing Jesus sleeping in the boat and then asking "why are y'all afraid?" but then I know He surely understands our fragile human hearts.) Man, I'm just so torn up for the Nathaniel family and truly every family that struggles with a child's illness. If you've never been there then please try to remember to thank God for his mercy and pray for a family that is there. I know it's so very very easy to forget... 100% guilty myself. Thanks another billion for your prayers!

PS-- Let me know if you're praying (you're exempt Stacy) cause I'd love to hear it! :)


Shannon said...

Wow, that is something that I have remained truly grateful for, the fact that I'm so blessed to have 3 healthy kids.
The only way through that kind of situation is faith... I can't imagine going through something like that without knowing Jesus is carrying you through it.
Lately I've been pretty pitiful in my own attempt at regular quiet/prayer time, but I will definitely remember them tonight (at the very least) and get them a C-F-A card in the mail. I'm sure they're are greatful for your faithfulness of friendship.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am praying for the whole family.

Stacy said...

Exempt but telling you anyway...


And so thankful...

Steph said...

Thanks you guys... I'll be sure to pass along any info whenever I hear/read it. THANKS AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

I am Praying!


Steph said...

Welcome Skye! Please check in again soon and let us know how the big move has gone.