Wednesday, January 16, 2008


That's what they are called (see post below)! I had a momentary brain *lapse* and couldn't remember the actual term for a person from Iran and thought Iranian was more of an adjective (ie: My husband looks Iranian.) Irani still sounds okay in my head though (but hey, so does Iranese!) I apologize Jen if my grammar appalls you... I honestly couldn't diagram a sentence to save my life! Well, that's really all I have to say for now. Oh, it's cold here and even sleeted a bit this it's just a nice soaking rain. As always, my meager kudos to God for the sweetwater. Also, I am now an official card-totin' member of Sam's Club baby! I know, welcome to the 80s (maybe early 90s?) but I've truly never been a member there before. My parents were never members at my hometown Sam's (despite my mother's infamous "thriftiness") and my current address didn't include a Sam's within 50 miles until today. You know how everyone always jokes about not needing that much toilet paper at once? Well, I really think we do. Between me and my diuretics and--well--me and my diuretics, we go through a lot of toilet paper in this house. And now we have three toilets that need to be stocked and it just seems like there's never enough toilet paper. So, I look forward to the day when good ole Sam's officially opens for business and I can whip out my blue plastic membership card... except that my ID picture is terrible. Tell me, good readers, does anyone take a good Sam's picture? What's that you say? Sam's is so passe and only cool people shop at Costco? Well, I guess I'll have to ask you about their cards in, uh, 15 years.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for recognizing that I am cool because I'm a Costco member. I am super cool. But to be honest there are 3 Costco's closer to my house than any Sam's. My picture is terrible. I had a ponytail and look like a boy. Booooooooo.

Stacy said...

Did someone comment about your Iranese (or whatever you said?) i gotta go back and see! My hands have been so tied up with a baby every time I'm online lately that I haven't had much commenting time.

Congrats on the Sam's card!

And you think YOU go through t.p.?? Whew...we are ALWAYS putting on a new roll. I'm seriously considering going TP-free when we get moved and settled. (you think I'm joking but I'm getting all environmentally friendly and all these days...and I'm already a kook about other things! of course, there'd always be t.p. for guests! -- oh and don't hold me to this thought... I'm just seriously considering it because we have GOT to be responsible for killing a large number of trees... sigh)

Anonymous said...


I thought y'all always called me "cheap!"

Jenny said...

I will never wipe my butt with anything other than TP, Stacy. That's just weird. :) Ha. Ha.

I'm a card carrying member of Sam's. The only thing I hate about Sam's is the DRIVEWAY where you can get bonus points for killing shoppers as they come out of the store with their purchases. That wasn't thought out very well.