Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Utter Randomness

It's time to clean out my "Randomness" folder of favorite links and since y'all seem to rather enjoy the random links, here they are in no particular:

1. This is nothing a good butt-whoopin' wouldn't have jarred loose in my humble opinion.

2. Take some blood pressure meds and click here. In keeping with the theme, here's some other things kids aren't: Budget-friendly, Schedule-friendly, sleep-friendly, social-life-friendly, anything-remotely-resembling-your-previous-life-friendly. Idiots (but trying to calmly remind myself they are lost idiots.) Interestingly enough, kids are I-am-so-glad-I-made-the-incredibly-impulsive-yet-oh-so-wise-decision-to-follow-God's-will-and-multiply-because-then-we-can-understand-how-much-He-loved-Jesus-and-us-friendly.

3. What the heck... my other links are all expired. So I'll have to improvise. I can offer a warning to you, o' reader... This stuff is dangerous and quite possibly fatal if consumed in large enough quantities. Yup, you guessed it... I'm Loaded.

4. This makes me very happy. I'm starting to feel a little bit better about it coming to fruition. And Mr. Ohio State, we know why you oppose it. By the way, thanks for nothing. The "O-H-I-O" cheer reference makes me giggle. We heard that for several days on our cruise a couple of years ago. It was OSU's spring break and there were some very genial fratdaddies on board. Every night we jawwed with them about football and it culminated in me, Plumberboy, and a few others from our plumbing supply trip (yes, a group of plumbers and plumbing suppliers) singing "Yea Alabama" in the formal dining room. Good times... By the way, OSU, you do know that "OHIO" spells "Ohio" and not "Ohio State"? Obviously it's January 8th and I'm no longer a Buckeye. I guess the upside to the LSU win last night is that we went toe-to-friggin-toe with them in November. The downside is so did Auburn. (In all honesty, whether it pains you to admit it or not, both teams should have beaten LSU. Kentucky and Arkansas did.)

5. Last but not least... what do you think of all this Britney shenanigans? I can't believe no one can get a handle on that girl. And did you see her sister sportin' the pink Ole Miss sweatshirt with her GED book? Represent Jamie Lynn, represent. It would all be hilarious if this was a soap opera and NOT REAL PEOPLE. Good gravy.

Hopefully I'll be back this afternoon with some non-randomness political talk. Stay tuned...


Steph said...

Did I get ya, Jen? Probably not... but you did laugh, right?

Steph said...

Did ANYONE get rick-rolled? Sigh...