Thursday, December 6, 2007

As a sidenote...

...much like your favorite TV shows (FYI: mine are The Office, House, Friday Night Lights and I must admit that 30 Rock is hilarious!) Anyhoo, back to this blog being like TV shows, it will be slim pickins' here at Steph's Other Space until January. Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the writer's strike. It has everything to do with me being the room mom who naively offered to organize a group gift from the class along with being a real mom, which means by default I am the gift-buyer for our family. My apologies to any family members who are reading this and I certainly don't want to ruin the illusion but if you received a gift from a member of this family, it was most likely (99.9% chance) purchased by moi, no matter the name on the tag. Of course the gift-buying (and/or making) is in between all the laundry, cleaning, and typing that I have to do, which is in between all the Christmas spectaculars and related activities at the kids' respective schools. Kudos to my husband, who did manage to set up the Christmas tree almost completely on his own though in theory the kids were helping...but ask me (or him) how well that went over.

For some randomness to chew on until the next time: Click here, here, and here. And maybe here or here. Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

The Bob Dylan article made me laugh!