Thursday, December 6, 2007

Randomly generated thoughts...

Hello to all... my apologies for the delay in bringing you this. GOOD MORNING! I am still of the sniffly and snotty sorts (possibly getting worse as now I have some difficulty breathing when upright) so I'm not going to make this a neat, tidy cohesive post. You know, I'm just going to sling around some thoughts and let them land where they may...think stream of VapoRub (which I have inhaled quite a bit of lately, thanks to Shannon's advice!)

First thought: I think I now have sufficient monikers for my immediate family members. My husband shall henceforth be known as Plumberboy (or hubby or beloved--ha!-- or moron spouse) while my oldest son shall be Ricky Bobby (story below) and the youngest shall remain Crabman (strong resemblance?) While I have always been a "safety first" kinda gal with an uncanny ability to think like a criminal madman, I noticed that not once BUT TWICE over the past 24 hours people have linked up with this site via this picture of me. So I am officially calling you out, Mr/Ms. Bedford, Bedfordshire United Kingdom and Mr/Ms. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Please introduce yourselves if you are reading this... otherwise, I will think you are rude and/or creepy. Please don't regard my lack of personal info as snotty (no pun intended) but simply paranoid (a la Kurt Cobain I suppose, though I'm pretty sure he's just repeating that quote. Interesting stuff to research if you're so inclined.) Also, I have given a new subtitle to my blog for all those of you who haven't noticed. It's now Steph's Other Space (Home of the Parentheses) for all the obvious reasons.

Okay, now on to something mildly entertaining. So why Ricky Bobby for my oldest? Because when he gets hurt, this is his reaction, minus the somewhat irreverant remarks about Jesus and prayers to Tom Cruise and Oprah Winfrey--but I think you get the point! Oh, and he usually keeps his clothes on. He's had this reaction for years, although we quite honestly questioned his ability to perceive pain as a baby because he never so much as flinched when he got his shots (ie: Nurse to me: I've never seen a kid not cry) or was injured (ie: he took a tennis ball hit off of an aluminum bat straight to his right temple one afternoon. The only kid crying in that exchange was the one who hit the ball and watched it subsequently bounce off Ricky Bobby's head and roll down the storm drain. True story.) Now he goes all Ricky Bobby when he incurs the slightest discomfort, which Thank God is not that often. We never had a name for this until last year but once we watched that crapfest Talladega Nights, there was an obvious resemblance. I'll be sure to post it here if I ever capture it on video.

And while football season is basically over (who really cares about any of those bowl games?!?), I do have some thoughts on the whole BS BCS debacle. First of all, I can't believe I'm saying this but I concur (wholeheartedly!) with James Carville. The BCS and NCAA are both borderline criminal in the way they handle affairs (think The Gestapo and/or The Gambino Family.) They do not care about the athletes or their respective fanbases. I do not know why the National Collegiate ATHLETIC Association is run by a bunch of college presidents (Academia who in my opinion are solely interested in settling some schoolyard score with the bullies who stole their lunch money and spraypainted "nurd" across their lockers.) Why is the NCAA not run by a group of ATHLETIC Directors?!? So I guess we're going to settle it their way, which will backfire when Less Miles proceeds to meet Jim Tressell on the 50 yardline after the game for the handshake and instead gives him a wedgie, breaks his glasses, and steals the BCS trophy.

And for the record, I don't cheer for SEC teams during the bowl season-- at least not per se. I will cheer for a team if I liked them before this bowl season (most of whom never make it to a bowl game anyway) OR if they are playing a team I detest (no further explaination needed) but I do not--repeat, do NOT-- cheer for a team on the sole basis of SEC membership. I have no allegiance whatsoever to the SEC as the SEC has no allegiance whatsoever to Alabama. It makes me sick that we even have to share any of our bowl profits with the SEC.

So hopefully that clarifies a few things. I look forward to a time when I can discuss real topics on this blog but now it's time for Yo Gabba Gabba, which incidentally is another appropriate subtitle for this blog...


Shannon said...

Glad to see your following my advice, vicks helps me. I was down for 4 days (down, but not out) and thought I was the only one, but now a week later, my hubby's got it.
It's funny, my firstborn never cried at his shots either, but believe me, my second one more than made up for him!

Stacy said...

Hope you're feeling better REAL soon!

The Ricky Bobby video made me laugh. Perfect name for your big boy.

And Crabman is just awesome.

That cat picture was DISTURBING! Ew.

I hate people thinking they gotta pull for SEC teams, too. That's just ignorant.

Steph said...

Glad someone posted about the cat pic. I got a good laugh out of Plumberboy when I checked (and re-checked) to make sure he was going to get grossed out by the cat pic. He rolled his eyes and then proceeded to look like he was going to puke. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Well I am not a fan of OSU, so I'm cheering LSU all the way. For whatever reason OSU and Miami just rub me the wrong way and will likely never get me to cheer for them. Unless, of course, they play Alabama. Geaux Tigers.