Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Oh the weather outside is...

COLD! I really can't remember what I posted yesterday because I had been up since 3:30 in the morning, which happens to be the exact time that we noticed the heat to our house was NOT WORKING! My husband got up and flipped a breaker (I think that's the terminology) but within half an hour it had tripped the breaker again so we went without heat until about 8:30 yesterday morning. It really wasn't that bad and we both have a new appreciation for how blessed we are for so very many reasons. Thanks to God for the lesson!

Okay, now I don't have a lot of time because Crabman still has one more day at preschool BUT I did want to post a little sumpin'-sumpin' before I start my daily routine of Christmas shopping. First, I have to brag on Ricky Bobby who doesn't get much air time here at Steph's Other Space. That's mostly because the printed word does not do justice to his shenanigans. You just have to trust me that in most cases, it loses something in transition to the written word. But I can brag on him, right? Last night he asked me if this is how you spell the Steeler's Quarterback's name and proceeded to spell it "Capital-B-e-n-space-capital-R-o-e-t-h-l-e-s-b-e-r-g-e-r." He asked if that was right and I said something to the effect of "heck if I know" and then he got a book, double-checked, and corrected himself that it was an "i" after the "l." We then called my parents and he correctly spelled it out for them. I just thought that was funny. It's seriously hilarious the way his mind works. And you can tell that for the most part college ball is over because he has moved on to memorizing the NFL players. He does pay homage to college ball by remembering their college schools though. (FYI, Roethlisberger went to Miami Ohio, who are the Red Hawks--all according to Ricky Bobby!) As I type this, Crabman keeps interuppting me to tell me all about his College Football 2004 conquests on the Gamecube. I think we have a serious football problem around here.
* Editor's note: Ricky Bobby is 7 and in the 1st grade.

Anyway, onto another topic quickly... I will save most of my poly-tickin' for after the New Year because I wouldn't want to ruin the Christmas spirit with lots of political banner here on Steph's Other Space but I thought this made a nice crossover. And I'll go ahead and put it out there that I'm a Huckabee gal. As in, there's no suspense or mystery... that's who I'll be voting for at every turn in '08 unless something shocking happens (a la Ted Haggard or Larry Craig, who--JUST FYI--I knew nothing about beforehand and certainly did not support... just making an illustration) during this campaign season. But since he made such a convenient crossover, I'll gladly oblige:

And since I know my sister is leaning towards Ron Paul, this link is just for her!


Stacy said...

Good news about Huckabee! He accomplished something many people think they are doomed to suffer with forever! KUDOS to him!

And if Ron Paul isn't in the running at the end, Huck is my man :)

Shannon said...

As for Huck, glad to see you're on the band-wagon...I liked him before his most recent 'popularity-surge'. Have you seen his Chuck Norris-endorsed commercials?
As for RB, sounds like you've got a future spelling-bee champ!