Sunday, December 16, 2007

We are... MARSHALL!

I've got a few minutes to kill while I burn about 20 CDs for Crabman's preschool class PLUS I wanted to talk about how much I loved the movie "We Are Marshall" before I forgot while it was fresh on my mind. Love, love, love it I did. If you've seen the movie then you may want to check out this site for a commentary on the reality vs. movie theatrics but be warned as there's a mild spoiler there if you haven't seen it yet. And if you haven't seen it yet then I suggest you take full advantage of the writer's strike and rent it today. I'd watch it again if it wasn't due back tomorrow... it was that good. AND it was good enough that I'll be cheering for Marshall anytime in the future, so long as they're not playing Bama but of course. As a sidenote, I have a whole new appreciation for Bobby Bowden, which is weird because he was already growing on me. It's a world gone mad! And in case you're wondering, yes, I also cried like a baby at the end. I teared up during most of the movie but couldn't hold it in any longer in the end. That doesn't happen often, folks. So, here's to you, Young Thundering Herd... You are indeed MAR-SHALL!


Anonymous said...

Interesting fact. Emily's dad was a student at Marshall when the plane crash happened. He and several other alumni got their own personal screening of the movie. Emily also told me several other interesting tid bits about the movie which I'll tell you sometime if you remind me to.

Steph said...

I definitely want to hear all about it! And maybe he has some old Marshall stuff he'll send our way if he's ever cleaning out his closet...

Anonymous said...

Stacie beat me to it!

My dad made us go see the movie last year in the theater as a family. It was the second time he was seeing it and he still cried the whole way through the movie. He's a HUGE Marshall fan and attends about five or six football games during the year - basketball too if he can get there.

A few weeks ago my dad spoke at a youth group meeting about being at Marshall when it happened and you can tell it still is fresh in his mind - he got choked up several times during his talk when he was telling the kids about how everything you have can be taken away from you in an instant and that he thinks often about whether the young men on that plane knew Jesus.

FYI Steph: You should try to rent or get your hands on the documentary that was made several years before the movie, it's called Ashes to Glory.