Thursday, December 6, 2007

PSA from P-Paw

I got this from my dad, who is always good about passing quality info along. Now you can add glasses to the list of sickeningly nasty things in a hotel room (mattress and pillow, anyone?) Hopefully now he can convince my mom to just get the friggin' RV.

In a related story, I've gotten many emails over the years about how you can better protect yourself as a woman (mostly common sense) with details on the usual sicko MOs, etc. Well, a couple of days ago I was at Home Depot and noticed an unmarked white van parked very close to my vehicle in the next spot. There was at least one Hispanic male sitting in the van and one of the large cargo doors was propped slightly open. Of course I thought about one of those emails cautioning you against such a situation so I calmly placed my package in the back of my vehicle and then proceeded to climb to my seat through the passenger's door! I guarantee they had a good laugh at the expense of the crazy white lady at Home Depot (that would be me.) Heck, I even laughed at myself but I'll be doggone if I was going to be a feature on Greta Van Susteren that night!

Have a SAFE and happy afternoon, folks!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good for you. I'm always looking out for stuff like that too!