...T-minus 4 days and counting. I hope you all are having a wonderful
CHRISTmas season and maybe even getting a break? I know I am with the kids out of school. However, I still have a few little odds n' ends to pick up so I'm not totally chillin' but I did want to post a quick little entry before all our Holiday travel gears up. I have lots of things to discuss with y'all... like why at least two people a day google "Jimmy Sexton" and come to my site (Jimmy Sexton, Thou Art the Man!) or how ridiculously confusing facebook is ("how do you know this person," "what network would you like to join," "what is your blood type" etc, etc) and how that makes me feel
old or follow-ups to the We are Marshall post (hopefully with help from Emily...see original post comments) or my thoughts on the Petrino situation (per request) or how the HECK to get more of you to agree to help me in a Secret Santa project. It's only $5.41 so it must just be that y'all are leery because you don't know the details. Well, here's a few more in case that would make the difference: I would like to organize a Chik-Fil-A gift card drive for Crosby's family (see sidebar ------>) since Chik-Fil-A is one of the few foods he will eat after chemo treatments. His family is in the ministry (Athletes in Action at UK) and I know the costs of constantly eating out must weigh at least a little on their wallet. I know most of us wouldn't miss the $5 (plus the 41 cents for the stamp) but if enough of us do it, it could really make a difference to them. I will get you their address if you will just email me (
stephsotherspace@gmail.com) and then you can either mail it anonymously or drop them a note of encouragement. I will up the ante by agreeing to embarass myself somehow if I get enough response (a la upload "Chipmunk" pictures of myself from wisdom teeth removal at age 15 or possibly video and post me singing the "War Eagle" fight song... I'm open to suggestions.) So never fear, the $5.41 isn't going to Saban's salary or to Botox for me... instead I think it's a practical way for the body of Christ to administer His love.
Well, that's probably it from me for a few days. I hope everyone enjoys Christmas with their families and friends. Since I don't have everyone's address, here's an abridged version of our family Christmas card:

"This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:10
PS- The actual verse on the card is Hebrews 10:23, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Just trust that it is quite appropriate for our family...Thanks, God! :)
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