Friday, November 30, 2007
All Quiet on the Western Front
Good weekend to you all!
PS--My advice to anyone new to this coaching rodeo--don't listen to Finebaum (and I don't even know what he's saying right now... it's just a good rule of thumb.) Listening only ups your blood pressure and his ratings. In my humble opinion, certain message boards are where the action is at (and don't ask me which ones because they change from time to time...)
PPS-- JUST IN! Tubbs just flew back to Auburn and boy are his ears tired. If you like seeing him in all orange, all Auburn then that's a good sign (again, just my humble opinion). Letting a coach return "home" is not good for the suitor--think Rich Rod.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
1st Annual Find-Those-Glasses-Now-Buddy-Or-Expect-Me-To-Take-The-$15o-Out-Of-Your-Inheritance Day Recap
Bad News: My dad was the one who found them (after only 5 minutes!) and I'll probably never live it down.
Thanks, P-Paw!
Who were the ad wizards...
Note to self: Register at Bromberg's on each and every remotely special occasion. Additional note to husband: Arthur Court elephant paraphenalia will look even better wrapped in Bromberg's box. Roll Tide!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Could you get mad at this face?!?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
College Football Playoff System--Schyeah!?!
It's great to be...
On a related note, it's so nice to not otherwise have Alabama taking a spin on the the good ole coaching carousel this year (at least so far!) Last year I about burned up my motherboard tracking planes, trolling message boards, and stalking blogs for updates--all the while my husband was face-down from his second retinal detachment surgery. Thank you God for a better 2007 (at least so far!)
Seriously--I've got work to do, people, so that will hopefully be it for me now. Not sure if I'll be around tomorrow or not because of a funeral but either way, I've got so much typing to do that I really have no good excuse to be here other than I {{{love}}} my readers (well, at least those of you I know!)
I could so be Jimmy Sexton
Monday, November 26, 2007
Forgot to mention this before...
Monday, Monday
I did realize a few things over the weekend that I'll share as quickly as possible.
- Traveling to 10 out of 12 games over about a 13-week period makes for a long football season.
- Losing 6 out of those 12 games makes for a longer football season.
- Losing to Auburn for the 6th straight year makes for an even longer offseason.
- The older my kids get, the more I miss them when they are gone. Very soon they will have to go with us to the games (ka-ching) or we will have to stop going... I miss them too much to keep doing this! Stay tuned to see what gives...
- The Auburn player who got bit by the dog was pretty funny in a postgame interview. He seems quite intelligent and represents Auburn well. Wallace Gilberry is about the only Alabama player who represented us well in the postgame media. That's just my take...
Anyway, I just got word this morning that one of our dear friend's father passed away unexpectedly this morning. He's in his mid-50s and this is such a shock to all of us. My in-laws are very close friends of this couple and my husband is close with the son so it has touched our whole family. Obviously football is the last thing on our minds. So today is just another reminder of these Biblical truths:
"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. " James 4:13-14
Depressing--sort of--but brings us to this:
Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
I wouldn't dare post those things if I didn't whole-heartedly believe those words. May you find comfort in those words today, regardless of your situation.
(And of course, Roll Tide anyway...)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Don't buy into it...
Don't let any Bama fan tell you this game doesn't mean anything. They may say something like "hey, it's his first year of 'The Process' and things don't change overnight" or "this season's shot already so who really cares?" or "yada yada yada..." I assure you any REAL Bama fan wants this game and wants it bad. Saban should want this game and want it bad as it will set the tone for the rest of "The Process." Beating both of UA's rivals in your first year goes a long way in justifying $4 mil... and don't let any Bama fan tell you that's not worth the cost of admission alone! Like someone famous once said (Frank Broyle's maybe?!?! Someone from Arkansas, for sure..) "The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards." And yes, I'm putting this out here on the world wide web at about 10:00 AM central so that no one (including myself!) can say I felt otherwise about this game. It will be real easy to make excuses one way or the other AFTER the game and I don't ever, ever want to be that kind of fan! (However, I reserve the right to reverse all of my football picks on the rare occasion that they make me look like a buffoon!) ROLL TIDE y'all and have a happy (AND SAFE) Iron Bowl Saturday!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Woo-Hog! Soo-ie!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy 100th!
By the way, it's my 100th post and I wanted to post something a little more monumental for the big 1-0-0 but it's just as well cuz I'm not going to have a lot of time over the next couple of days. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Y'ALL!
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Gettin' their hate on...
So he talked about some tragedies at a football-related press conference... at least he remembers 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. A quick viewing of Jay Leno's "Jay-walking" would show he's in the minority. People in this country need to care more about what we can do to prevent another 9/11 (hello Patriot Act!) and become a little less sensitive to people referencing 9/11. Now Ann Coulter was out of line with her 9/11 remarks--not Nick Saban-- but it seems people just like her a heckuva lot more than Saban.
And on a related note, word on the street is Saban's handlers will be asked to issue an apologetic statement tomorrow to the Rapers and Pillagers Alliance Against Defamation. Now I will give you this: Saban most definitely miscalculated when planning his speech to the team... I think he lost them at Pearl Harbor.
PS-- Brownie points for Saban in my book: He spanked his kids! :)
PPS--I couldn't have said it better myself! Seriously, I know I'll keep finding stuff here 'n there to add to this post but I'm officially cutting myself off from editing this post any further. Hopefully I'll get in one last football post before the Iron Bowl.
PLEASE Watch This!
B: It cost me a half-roll of Sweet Tarts, an hour of Gamecube, and a Ferrari when he turns 16 (hey, he didn't stipulate that it had to be functional!) to get this thing made. Enjoy and Roll Tide!
So sad...

Monday, November 19, 2007
If you don't laugh, you'll cry...
PS- Click at your own risk on that gump4heisman site. That guy is SNL-hilarious with SNL-raunchiness to match. If you are easily offended then the College Football Monkey will singe the ears right off your head.
Conspicuously absent?
- Is this Alabama's worst lose ever in your mind? I don't know if Bama as a team has ever looked worse than they did on Saturday. They don't care and it's obvious. It reminds me of the time Freddie Milons reportedly refused to load the team bus going to Starkville because of some team "issues" shall we say. For sure this one ranks right up there in the Top 5 or so but I have at least a couple that rank ahead in my mind. Since it's Iron Bowl week, I'll recap a couple of Iron Bowl games that were nothing if not abso-freaking-lutely miserable. 2000 was the first time they played the game in BDS and we as a Bama Nation were all hyped up. I even left my itty-bitty one at home so I could make the trip. It was so cold and damp, I had frozen hair just like a scene from Titanic. Literally, my hair crunched if I moved it. And yeah, of course you know we lost. Then there was the Iron Bowl two years ago where I sat next to a 40-something-year-old woman in a rubber tiger hat who knew nada about football but screamed and carried on as though she was a defensive coordinator. I think I got up and "relocated" after Brodie's 9th sack. In 1997 Alabama lost its homecoming game to La Tech (at the time they were revered about like ULM, even though they had Tim Rattay under center if my memory doesn't fail me) and I actually sat through the entire game despite the fact that my grandmother was in the hospital on life support. My dad didn't even go to the game (a real rarity) to be with my mother but he insisted that I go and sit in their seats since there was nothing I could do at the hospital. I was already in a raw mood and that game did nothing to offer solace from the situation. Then of course there is my all-time favorite... back again in 2000 I sat through the entire UA-Southern Miss game at Legion Field despite the fact that I was 38 weeks' pregnant. I was swollen (and clearly on the verge of preeclampsia, though I didn't know that at the time) We lost 21-0. My famous last words: "If they put Tyler Watts in that game for one more series, I swear I'm going to go into labor..." 9 1/2 hours later, we welcomed our first son into the world. True story.
- So did you boo the team on Saturday? Actually, no, I did not. Do you think the players who deserved the boos really care? They just got 4 years of college for FREE with very little work actually required of them. And the way I figure it, listening to boos is a small price to pay. Those who really do care about the team don't deserve the boos.
- What about JPW, since you at one time "hearted" him? Undecided. He definitely sucks it up as of late and has lost all semblance of confidence but I think he cares, I think. So far he hasn't said anything boneheaded in the media this week (ie: "I don't think I'm really playing that bad.") Like I told my husband (who at times heckled JPW but let's face it, he's jealous of my affections!) At the time JPW was recruited, we couldn't get a Vince Young or Dennis Dixon-esque player so we remain stuck with a fair-haired, blue-eyed boy who grew up wanting to don the Crimson jersey. I'm not going to boo a guy for doing the best he can do, even though he's clearly outmatched in Division-I football. In case the Bama fans haven't noticed, here's the names two other guys who wanted to sign with Bama about the same time as JPW: Brandon Cox and Chris Smelley. Look up their stats.
- So what's your take on the game this weekend? Given the track record of my previous picks (see previous post entitled "Because everyone else is doing it..."), I'm picking Auburn by three touchdowns (that be 21 points for those of you from LSU!) Me thinks the Aubs might need to quit laughing (hey, for real, I'd totally be laughing too!) just long enough to figure out how the heck to fit "Honk if you sacked John Parker Wilson" on a bumper sticker! You'll probably need about about 90,000 of 'em come Saturday night.
- Which brings me to: Are you still going Saturday night? Why, yes I believe I will and thanks for asking. Someone has got to go and absorb the punches to a once-proud program. I'd be mortified if I turned on ESPN and saw no one in crimson except the band... which is a distinct possibility given the current atmosphere at The Capstone.
Well, that's it for now. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! Just freaky how time has evaporated as of late...
Friday, November 16, 2007
I'm Guilty...

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Real Quick
Anyway, here's the point of this post. Now if you'll notice the date on this article is November 13, 2007. Now didn't it rain in Georgia on November 14, 2007? (Maybe it was actually the 15th but they're on eastern time so that doesn't count.) God's hearing us... let's keep it up (and remember to thank God for his faithfulness thus far!)
"It shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments which I am commanding you today, to love the LORD your God and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul, that He will give the rain for your land in its season, the early and late rain, that you may gather in your grain and your new wine and your oil." Deuteronomy 11:13-14
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
In random news...
From the pages of Cat Burglary for Dummies. Unfortunately, he skipped the last chapter entitled "How to Dislodge Your Bloated Body from Itsy-Bitsy Opening and Avoid Needless (and Embarassing) Death."
For those of you who wonder "what ever happened to Boy George?"... now you know. Unfortunately (fortunately) I don't know enough about his music to make a snide comment. Feel free to add a comment of your own.
And lastly, something inspiring. It's good to see that above all, common sense still triumphs in this country.
October 31st Pics

PS- Mr. UPS Driver (formerly known as Mr. Popcorn) is down and out with a stomach bug so I don't know when I'll get around to a real post but as always, check back often!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thanks, Veterans...
PS- I'm posting "on location" so that's it for now. See you Tuesday!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
PS-- I reverse my picks for the remaining games...ha!
Corndog U
Per a suggestion...
PS-- After watching some Gameday this morning, it should be obvious that I didn't "cheat" with my picks below... they pretty much disagree with every team I chose!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Because everybody else is doin' it...
And since I get to enjoy a Saturday at home, I decided to make the day more interesting by going "on the record" with my picks. Yeah, boring I know--sue me.
Florida at South Carolina: South Carolina... Urban Meyer is a goob. And rhythmic clapping never beat anybody in the SEC.
USC at Cal: Cal just because USC is on the downswing.
Texas A&M at Missouri: A&M wins as Fran makes a last-ditch (futile) effort to save his job.
La Tech at LSU: I wish La Tech, I mean I really wish La Tech, but LSU will roll them. Less, watch out for the Rebs though... in case I don't get a chance to say it before next week I take Ole Miss in that match-up.
Kansas at Oklahoma State: The Pokes coach cracks me up but I don't think he's really that good of a coach... plus, Kansas is getting hosed this year and are REALLY REALLY good. They crush the Cowboys on Saturday.
Air Force at Notre Dame: Ticked about being an underdog, Notre Dame doubles their wins this season with a victory over Air Force.
Arkansas at Tennessee: Arkansas finally takes one from Tennessee (start packing Phil!) Does anybody else remember that Arkansas quarterback (Clint Stoerner?) laying the ball on the ground for UT several years ago? I still think he was paid. My gosh I'm a loser for remembering that.
Illinois at Ohio State: UPSET ALERT! Ron Zook is kind of a dweeb but I pick the Illini to make the BCS ratings that much more confusing (and political).
Auburn at Georgia: Flip a coin... I don't know how I feel about this game and am probably too emotionally invested to make an accurate pick. However, I think Georgia LOSES this game if they wear those ridiculous black jerseys. Otherwise, I give them the edge in a very close one. Tubbs, true to his Riverboat Gambler image, makes it very hard to gauge whether or not he's focused on his job or handing out resumes. Seriously, flip a coin.
Alabama at Mississippi State: I'm telling you, my husband can't stand the "Go State... Go State!" cheer. Ironically, my oldest son (and football "Rainman") loves Mississippi State, primarily because of Bully the bulldog mascot. Our stuffed Bully will "magically" disappear tomorrow morning... Anyway, back to the game. Mississippi State is probably a better team than they get credit for. They know they are disrepected in the SEC (and country) right now so they are ripe for an upset. But I, probably against better judgment, pick Bama to win in a rout. In further related step-outs, I envision UA's secondary having a field day.
Well, as of Sunday you will probaby see why I don't do this for a living (legally or off-shore) but I figured it would be fun to put my butt on the line with a few picks. And seriously, no one is actually going to take the time to read this post so what's there to lose? ROLL TIDE and enjoy your weekend.
PS-- I assure you once football season is over, I will cover other topics. In fact, if my calculations are correct, 2008 is an election year which means I'll probably perch myself on a soapbox for most of the year (11 outta 12). Trust me, you'll either quit reading or long for football season...
Busy Morning
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Free PSA
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming already in progress...
Article #1: Helpful advice I suppose, although I suspect the "fish and amphibians" enjoy the free Vicodin and fentanyl. Alas, they are ruthless in their pursuit and will probably just eat the poo. I suppose the same could be said for Britney Spears a crystal meth addict.
Article #2: I suspect the "horrified teacher" was a MAN because someone (anyone) could have put an end to the shenanigans if they so desired.
Article #3: Edible gold? But who would want to eat it?!?!
Praise The Lord!
But as of about noon central standard time, it looks like all is well with his eyes and our life can return to normal programming. Thus, I'm praising the Lord (the one and only Jesus) for another day of mercy. I had honestly resided myself to God's apparent will that we become oversea missionaries but it looks as though we'll have to shelve those plans for now. I cannot tell you what a blessing the main eye doc has been. He is an awesome, awesome guy with amazing abilities as well as a heart for God and his patients. We didn't even know he was a Christian until years after our first meeting but it was always obvious he was a special man. We thank God for leading him into our lives and for all the people who bless us but we mostly thank Him for His infinite mercy and grace that gives us assurance no matter the situation....because I can most assuredly plan on another "situation" at some point in the future. :)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Seriously, one last post...
Also, Happy Birthday to Jen! Give her some blog meter love --->
Quick Thoughts...
So I'm cracking up about all these articles suggesting Alabama is looking to exact revenge on Mississippi State. For what? Practically signing, sealing, and delivering the dismissal letter to Mike Shula? The way I see it, we should pay Crooms' salary for at least a year as a thank you! Think about this: Alabama waits until 2007 to can Shula and find a replacement. Michigan cans Lloyd Carr (I think increasingly unlikely but still a possibility) and hires Less Miles. Saban decides now is a good time to return to college and goes back to LSU. Texas A&M also throws down the gauntlet and offers to pay top dollar for a coach, making for one heckuva bidding war. So let's see, now we can re-hire the canned Fran, we can make a play for Tubbs, or we can hire Houston Nutt (Nutt being the operative word!) Maybe we could hire the Boise State coach (not a bad hire) or Jim Harbough from Stanford but now a year into "The Process" would anybody other than Phillip Fulmer go back and change the outcome of last year's UA-MSU game?
PS-- Happy for the Britt family!
Awesome job, Crosby's Mom!
Here is a quick update & new thoughts that pop into my head while bathing Emery at night! Bret went to the Doctor today & got some medicine. between meds, rest (haha) and exercises (cross your fingers) he should be feeling much better in 10 days. i know the medicine will happen - the other things- keep praying!!!!Crosby turned 3 1/2 today! It is hard to believe that 2 months ago everything turned upside down...yet he played Candyland with Pop-Pop & played Rescue Heroes most of the day! He still is going hard (besides a few moments of rest here & there). I told my mom- if he had hair & his eyes didn't look droopy- would you know he was sick? not really! We had a great visit with mom & dad- thank you!I usually have great conversations with the Lord while giving Emery a bath. Tonight through tears (probably because I was tired & marveling at His grace) I had an addition to my thoughts on how our sin mirrors cancer. When the Dr. took out Crosby's cyst it was diseased. A tumor. Miraculously all tests showed the cancer was gone first time. When Christ went to the Cross our sins were covered once & for all! So..the new twist is the Chemo. In all the kids books- they show Chemo as a good thing. Fighting the cancer- eating it up. SO...I was pondering how Chemo is like our sanctification process. The sin is forgiven. The Dr. got all Crosby's cancer- yet Chemo is to kill if there are any tiny cancer cells elsewhere in his body. It is hard & yucky. sometimes that is what He does in our lives to move us toward becoming more like His Son. Rooting out all the junk (sin) that is not of Him. WOW...i am seeing him refining me & teaching me through this "chemo" process in my life. I don't know if that even makes sense...BUT maybe one day this might be a great talk at a meeting! : )
So..through the tears I continue to see God's hand on our whole process & Crosby's life. Only He knows- but we have been recipients of how the Body of Christ moves & takes action. Even today I received Bible verses in the mail specifically answering prayers & encouraging us. meals have been provided (especially on days when we don't plan on being at Clinic all day)! Awesome. God is good- even through times & seasons such as this. We go back on Thursday for his blood to be tested & for his Vincristine. (thankfully that is not count dependent). Crosby & I have runny noses. Pray that his dries us quick & does not turn into anything with his immune system so low. Pray that I am EXTRA cautious on washing hands!!! The nurse said that is all I can do! Thank you for praying...exhausted but pressing on.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Ponderations from last Saturday
- Mike the Tiger has obviously been replaced by a pimp. Otherwise, there would be no explanation whatsoever as to why a good one-third of the LSU nation dresses in pimp suits--hat and all. Seriously, everywhere we turned there were guys strutting their over-sized stuff in a purple and/or gold pimp suit. I don't even know where they make those things or how much you have to pay (or be paid) to wear one but it's now glaringly apparent to me that Red Stick (ya know, American for Baton Rouge) must have derived its name from the region's most prominent industry (aka the red light district) and not its Indian ancestors. Furthermore, these folks appear to be proud of this!
- With a pimp as the new mascot, there was obviously no longer a need for this so it must have been auctioned off on Ebay. Why? Because Mascot Mike the Tiger-- full garb, head and all--sat about three rows behind us in the Alabama season ticket holder upper deck. That's right, there are no visitor tickets in this entire deck so you would have to be unprecedentedly obnoxious and/or clinically insane to wear that get-up to the game. And wouldn't you know it, the "man" underneath was an arse, a 40-something arse. Shocker, I know! Upon prowling his way to his seat, he was told by a 300+lb Alabama fan to take the head off as it was obstructing others' views. I don't think this dude's 80-lb, quite-possibly-heroin-addicted, and also 40-something-year-old companion was any match (and you know this guy's not going to fight his own battle!) So he took it off... and then proceeded to wave it in the air after every positive LSU play. He quite wisely vacated his seat (aka punked out) after Javier Arenas' punt return for a TD in the 4th quarter to a chorus of boos. Much to my horror, I found good ole Mike hanging out under the upper deck after I vacated my seat following JPW's fumble (not to be confused with a punk out but rather an inability to stomach the nailing of the coffin). He was making out with his aforementioned tranny companion in between harassing Alabama fans who IN ALL HONESTY had said nothing to this tiger-man. I believe a lovely time was had by all.
- Airbrush must be the new monogram in Louisiana. These otherwise affluent-appearing people airbrushed things by the truckload in anticipation of Saban Bowl I. I'm not kidding you... all out fluorescent-colored airbrush akin to the tacky car tags from Panama City Beach. My vote for best dressed goes to the guy with "$aban: #1 $ell-out" airbrushed across the back of his purple pimp suit. If only I had a picture...
- Also in the category of "if only I had a picture..." is the LSU fan who was wheeling his giant cooler down the sidewalk when the plastic handle gave way, thus spilling his beer and ice all over the place. A classic "T!I!G!E!R!S!"moment.
I'm sure there's more lodged in my brain but I'm trying as hard as I can to put it all behind me. I'm burning donating my son's LSU shirt to somebody-- anybody--and saving for a trip in the distant future to good ole Death Valley (incidentally, that name was derived from the universal sentiment that visitors would rather die than live life as a LSU fan.) I'm not sure I could make a round trip to LSU in the near future... I'd either perish in battle or rot in jail.
As always, Roll Tide!
Blog Maintenance
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Machine Rolls On...
Feeling Guilty...
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Miscellaneous Thoughts
PS-- Besides, after Saban wins two rings at Bama then it will feel like home!
PPS- Here's the side of randomness you ordered: I once wrote a paper on Guevara and just find this amusing. Can't you just imagine him looking up at that auction with some giant WASP of a man auctioning off his hair?!?!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Rip-off Post
Hey, have you ever noticed no matter how much you beg, your house never seems to clean itself? Ugh.
Not a real post but PICS!
See, I really was at the Skank Bowl (sorry for the goofy expressions on both our faces. I think we were laughing/crying already)

Smile if you predicted a rout of Tennessee hours before that on-side kick (Hey, why are you smiling, Mr. Red Sox?!?):

Smile if you did not help your daughter boo the UT band during halftime (However, you did boo Philip Fulmer as he exited the field):

Bonus random pic of what is supposed to be a yellow "hammer" but more closely resembles a large yellow dreidel to me (Rammerjammer, yellow dreidel-er! Drop the dreidel, Bama! Drop the dreidel!)