Saturday, November 10, 2007

Per a suggestion... I got an email with a link to this and knew many of you would enjoy, especially my Bammer friends. Now I think I need to make a clarification... much to the horror of my father, I used to be a Notre Dame "fan" (using that word loosely as I was never a "fanatic") because I liked the little Irish man. Plus I like the color green, I'm part Irish (isn't everybody?), and they've got a decent law school so I thought it seemed like a logical choice. Then I wrote a paper on the 1966 Bama team and, let's just say, things changed. That plus some other Catholic-related events has pretty much purged me of my once-warm feelings towards "The Irish." And oh yeah, I outgrew that size small ND sweatshirt years ago! Kudos to Stacie (a frequent reader but extremely infrequent commentor!) for sending me that video.

PS-- After watching some Gameday this morning, it should be obvious that I didn't "cheat" with my picks below... they pretty much disagree with every team I chose!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't comment because I don't talk football with you. Nothing good comes out of it. So I just don't roll my eyes quietly and only finish posts that have nothing to do with football. Perhaps I'll comment more on your political posts next year. I think we'll be on the same team then.