I haven't messed with the pics from last night yet but we (excuse me, not "we" but my husband) did end up burning CDs from our SD card at Walgreen's and it has been surprisingly easy. And cheap, which reminds me of a funny story told to me by my somewhat smug husband... He said the CDs were supposed to be $2.99 but the "slutty sailor" (it was halloween) working the register gave him a good once-over and deducted $2 from the bill so he paid a grand total of $1.07 for almost 300 pictures on two CDs. The funny thing: He's not happy he may have turned the "slutty sailor's" head, he's happy he saved two bucks. Anywhoo, onto the pics...
See, I really was at the Skank Bowl (sorry for the goofy expressions on both our faces. I think we were laughing/crying already)

Smile if you predicted a rout of Tennessee
hours before that on-side kick (Hey, why are
you smiling, Mr. Red Sox?!?):

Smile if you did
not help your daughter boo the UT band during halftime (However, you did boo Philip Fulmer as he exited the field):

Smile if this still warms your heart:

Bonus random pic of what is supposed to be a yellow "hammer" but more closely resembles a large yellow dreidel to me (Rammerjammer, yellow dreidel-er! Drop the dreidel, Bama! Drop the dreidel!)

I love getting CDs from the chain stores! I've never had a slutty sailor give me a deal, though!
I'm glad you posted the pics :)
I love yer little headband. If I were a Bear/Bammer fan I would wear that. Cute!!
Hey Jen... two words: Dollar Tree! (Should I admit that?!?) Thanks!
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