Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Awesome job, Crosby's Mom!

Since Crosby's mom posts pretty regularly on their Caring Bridge Journal (and also since some folks may be reluctant to take the time to visit the link), I thought I would re-publish her post onto my blog before it gets covered up with new posts. It's so awesome I believe it should be read by as many people as possible. Just a quick background in case you are new to this site, Crosby is a 3-year-old (realized today that he is almost exactly the same age as our youngest) with a very rare and aggressive form of cancer in his nasal cavity (I'm sure there are a lot more technical descriptions that would be more accurate but hopefully you get the gist!) Anyway, they found the cancer a couple of months ago on a routine replacement of the tubes in his ears (how many readers can relate to that?!?) and now, with virtually no warning or time to cope, they have been thrown into this "new normal" routine of chemo and nonstop tests. Crosby's mom's posts are so genuine and a true testament to what faith in God the Father and Son can carry you through. If you don't know Jesus, please think about how you would react to the same situation and please know that only through freedom in Christ can you ever really survive. Again, please take the time to read:

Here is a quick update & new thoughts that pop into my head while bathing Emery at night! Bret went to the Doctor today & got some medicine. between meds, rest (haha) and exercises (cross your fingers) he should be feeling much better in 10 days. i know the medicine will happen - the other things- keep praying!!!!Crosby turned 3 1/2 today! It is hard to believe that 2 months ago everything turned upside down...yet he played Candyland with Pop-Pop & played Rescue Heroes most of the day! He still is going hard (besides a few moments of rest here & there). I told my mom- if he had hair & his eyes didn't look droopy- would you know he was sick? not really! We had a great visit with mom & dad- thank you!I usually have great conversations with the Lord while giving Emery a bath. Tonight through tears (probably because I was tired & marveling at His grace) I had an addition to my thoughts on how our sin mirrors cancer. When the Dr. took out Crosby's cyst it was diseased. A tumor. Miraculously all tests showed the cancer was gone first time. When Christ went to the Cross our sins were covered once & for all! So..the new twist is the Chemo. In all the kids books- they show Chemo as a good thing. Fighting the cancer- eating it up. SO...I was pondering how Chemo is like our sanctification process. The sin is forgiven. The Dr. got all Crosby's cancer- yet Chemo is to kill if there are any tiny cancer cells elsewhere in his body. It is hard & yucky. sometimes that is what He does in our lives to move us toward becoming more like His Son. Rooting out all the junk (sin) that is not of Him. WOW...i am seeing him refining me & teaching me through this "chemo" process in my life. I don't know if that even makes sense...BUT maybe one day this might be a great talk at a meeting! : )
So..through the tears I continue to see God's hand on our whole process & Crosby's life. Only He knows- but we have been recipients of how the Body of Christ moves & takes action. Even today I received Bible verses in the mail specifically answering prayers & encouraging us. meals have been provided (especially on days when we don't plan on being at Clinic all day)! Awesome. God is good- even through times & seasons such as this. We go back on Thursday for his blood to be tested & for his Vincristine. (thankfully that is not count dependent). Crosby & I have runny noses. Pray that his dries us quick & does not turn into anything with his immune system so low. Pray that I am EXTRA cautious on washing hands!!! The nurse said that is all I can do! Thank you for praying...exhausted but pressing on.

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