Saturday, November 24, 2007

Don't buy into it...

*Note from editor: This post will be short 'n sweet under threat of computer destruction from my husband. He's just thrilled that I'm posting on Iron Bowl Saturday as opposed to getting ready! :)

Don't let any Bama fan tell you this game doesn't mean anything. They may say something like "hey, it's his first year of 'The Process' and things don't change overnight" or "this season's shot already so who really cares?" or "yada yada yada..." I assure you any REAL Bama fan wants this game and wants it bad. Saban should want this game and want it bad as it will set the tone for the rest of "The Process." Beating both of UA's rivals in your first year goes a long way in justifying $4 mil... and don't let any Bama fan tell you that's not worth the cost of admission alone! Like someone famous once said (Frank Broyle's maybe?!?! Someone from Arkansas, for sure..) "The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards." And yes, I'm putting this out here on the world wide web at about 10:00 AM central so that no one (including myself!) can say I felt otherwise about this game. It will be real easy to make excuses one way or the other AFTER the game and I don't ever, ever want to be that kind of fan! (However, I reserve the right to reverse all of my football picks on the rare occasion that they make me look like a buffoon!) ROLL TIDE y'all and have a happy (AND SAFE) Iron Bowl Saturday!


Steph said...

Poise (It's good! It's good! It's good! It's good!), Focus, & Class Bama! Roll Tide!

Steph said...

And now the game NEXT year is almost unbearably important.