Friday, November 7, 2008

Declare yourself!

Okay, I've GOT to go get ready for my trip and shore up loose ends on the homefront before I hit the road but I wanted to see if you guys and gals would humor me while I'm on the road. I'm curious to know more about my meager readership (though I was really movin'n'groovin' on the ole blog meter when I first posted that Texas Tech photo... people from all over this great country were apparently quite interested in why Tech's fan were so serious!) So, do me this favor and declare yourself in the comments section with a big "Roll Tide" (good!) or "War Eagle..." (bad!) or "Geaux Tigers!" (ugly) here. As always, you can even do it anonymously (I realize some people might be a little ashamed at this point) but I expect 100% participation seeing as EVERYONE has a preference. Sure, only 70% of the population voted on Tuesday in a historic turnout but I'm talking about college football, not electing the leader of the free world. Priorities, people! :)

PS: Cast a vote on the poll, too!


Steph said...

I'll go first (please don't leave me hangin'):

Yea Alabama, drown 'em Tide!
Every Bama man's behind you, hit your stride!
Go teach the bulldogs to behave,
And send the yellowjackets to a watery grave
If a man starts to weaken, that's a shame!
For Bama's pluck and grit had writ her name in crimson flame.
Fight on! Fight on! Fight on, men!
Remember the Rose Bowl, we'll win then!
So roll onto victory, hit your stride...
You're Dixie's football pride,
Crimson Tide!
Roll Tide! Roll Tide!

Anonymous said...

Ramma Jamma, Yella Hamma
Give'em H&LL Alabama! ROLL TIDE!

Funny story - this summer my bf and I went on vacay with my 'rents. One day my dad and I were the only ones that decided to leave the beach for a little while and go to the pool. So, we're sitting in the pool just talkin' about NASA stuff (b/c we both work for NASA and no one else likes to hear us talk about it). As we're talking I notice that there are 2 girls and a guy (all young - teenage) and they're looking at the two of us wispering and giggling. I kind of just dismissed it at first, but then I noticed that they were moving closer to us in the pool trying to eavesdrop! Then it hit me - they think we are "together" - EWWWWW!!! I told my dad what I thought was going on and to make it worse he said he was going to grab me and give me a big hug so they would really have something to talk about. The next time we saw them it was me, Todd, mom & dad and they just looked at us in amazement! hahahaha

So, have fun with it and recognize it as a memory with your dad that you'll have forever! :)

The Latham Family said...

ROLL TIDE ROLL - consider me declared! Have GREAT time and a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As if you haven't figured it out yet . . . ROLL TIDE!!!

Anonymous said...

alaBAMA... Roll Tide Roll Have fun with P Paw I will miss you...

Haynes Our Way said...

I don't know if you are doing this just to see all the words you want to hear ( this being a bama blog and all) but I am not ashamed and will declare:



always and forever

Went there, graduated from there, got proposed to there, got married there, had some of the best memories of my life there and will have many more to come.

I will likely be the only Auburn lover declaring on this blog since it is for bama lovers only but as an honorary member of your family I feel I must leave comments every now and then (though I try my best to never comment on any football posts).

Shannon said...

ROLL TIDE ROLL! I'm so jealous you're going! I haven't even been to 1 game yet! Still... have fun with your Dad.

Jenn Stratton said...

This is Jenn! And I read your blog! Bet you didn't know about that! Oh, and War Eagle!

Steph said...

Hi y'all... we're safe in our hotel (motel but hey, it's a vacancy!) in Louisiana. Hopefully I'll have good stories from the game tomorrow for all of you dear readers.

Stacie, you can always recruit folks to flood my blog with WEs and the such because you are flying solo right now. I know there are some others out there but they aren't as bold as you I suppose. Kudos to you for your loyalty though! Seriously, hop to it and find some others to leave some Aubo lovin' around here!

Good night all...

PS: Plumberboy, I miss you and the younguns very much. Lots of love...

Stacy said...


I know for a FACT there are more of MY people reading this blog cuz we just talked about it yesterday! HELLO? I'm guessing you just haven't gotten to this day's post yet?

Some more ROLL TIDE's should be on their way!

Tom said...


I predict Bama wins in overtime by a touchdown!

Jenny said...

War Eagle.

Anonymous said...

This is a little late, but I still want to add my ROLLLLLL TIDE!

Anonymous said...

War Eagle! (but you knew that...)

Get Your Guns Up!!! Go Red Raiders!

Steph said...

MM... I was all "who the heck is MM?!?!?" but then I figured it out. Did you go to Texas Tech at any point? I think I remember some sort of connection there but not sure. Or maybe you just want somebody--ANYBODY!!!! (screaming that at the top of your lungs... no wait, that's Stacie and Jen!)-- to beat Alabama this season. ;)