Thursday, November 6, 2008

Told ya so...

Seriously, I'm not going to dwell on the election (no, really, I promise) because what's done is done. I'm not going to "rally around" Obama either but I'm really not going to spend the next 4 years knitpickin' every little thing he does or doesn't do (in fact, I won't even comment on Michelle Obama's acceptance speech dress, unlike some in the media... be honest, you thought that dress was horrendous, too!) Still, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to point out that the Dow did in fact slid almost 500 points yesterday. The media didn't harp on this fact yesterday as I guess they didn't want to look like sour grapes or worse but if it happens again today, I don't think they can cover it up. Anyway, Obama is not good for the economy. Just wait and see...


Anonymous said...

That is a TERRIBLE dress!!! What made her think that was a good idea?

Anonymous said...

It did happen again today, my dear. I'm not quite ready to rally around him yet.

Steph said...

Good news (sort of)... I do not believe Wall Street can continue this downward trend for the entire 4 years he's in office! And to be 100% honest, I'm not worried about it. I just thought it was ironic people thought Obama was better for the economy!