My dad emailed me this link earlier today but luckily I had just taken my diuretic/blood pressure pill so I think I'm okay (though I'm not sure I'll chance watching it a second time!) Now I'm really beginning to wonder if I AM quite intimidating after all because we got almost nothing of that sort. I did have a middle-aged woman yell at us as we first unloaded the shuttle bus but I just kept walking, arms outstretched on each side, and announced that I could do that "all day... all day!" The truth is, if you start trash-talking me (especially in a vain attempt to intimidate me) I will honestly just walk a little slower. While I try not to get in-yo-face confrontational for various reasons, I will make it known that I'm not going to tuck tail and run. You can take that to the bank (though all bets are off if I have my kids with me but let's not go there...) Anyway, I give mad props to the girls in the video for their little experiment. I cannot imagine what their motives were but if it was giving us a real-life definition (with video) of a DB (and I'm not talking about a position in football) then they should consider themselves a success!
PS: Is that guy serious with the chihuahua?!?!? I'm a lover of dogs--itty bitty dogs most certainly included--but don't "Tigah bait" somebody with a 2-lb dog... it embarasses your school. Miss Sassy (If You Nasty) would eat that thing as an appetizer. Heck, Cotton might too.
PPS: Here's a cool pic that will keep the pain a'lingerin' a bit longer for the corndogs...

PPPS: (No seriously, that's the last "p" for this post... I promise!): If you can stomach more, you can read the accompanying article written by one of the LSU-decked-out-in-Bama-gear-all-for-the-sake-of-journalism girls. Seriously, it SOOOOOOOO woulda been on if I had been grabbed in any form or fashion. Alas, my trip was rather blase... and everyone in my family breathes a collective sigh of relief (while Plumberboy exclaims that "bail" was not in the budget!)
Completely off the subject...but how much did that girls hair get on my nerves?? I just wanted to slap a bobby pin in it!!
I suspect they were trying to make us Bama fans look bad and her hair accomplished just that, right? :) Seriously, none of our girls dress like that at a game... duh! But I appreciate their willingness to expose a debauched fanbase, though I'm still not sure WHAT their motives were.
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